Natural Hair Remedies Helpful To Control Hair Fall



Hair fall is medically termed as alopecia. You can use many natural remedies, such as Hylix lotion to control hair fall. Some other tips are also beneficial to prevent hair fall.

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• Hair fall can be medically termed as alopecia.

• Many people are affected by the problem of hair fall. In the earlier days hair fall

was recognized as a symbol of aging and was lead to humiliation.

• But at present, hair fall is no longer counted by age but rather counted by so

many other reasons.


• Causes of hair loss include dandruff, intake of certain drugs, junk food,

menopause, hormonal imbalances, stress, excessive intake of oily, spicy foods,

excessive intake of coffee, smoking, fungal infections of scalp, inadequate

nutrition or imbalanced diet, etc.

• You can use many natural remedies to control hair fall.

• Hylix lotion is a best natural remedy to control hair fall.

• Some of the natural hair remedies are discussed here:


• Fresh aloe-vera juice makes hair much healthier.

• Mix rosemary and sage oils and apply this mixture on the roots of the hair daily.

• Extract juice from fruits of amla and neem leaves, and add coconut oil to it in

the ratio of 1:4 of the juices and Coconut oil respectively.

• Boil this till gets evaporated and again cool it.

• Then apply this mixture to the scalp every day.

• It will help reduce hair fall and increase hair growth.

• Add the juice of shoe flower to coconut oil.


• Then boil it till gets evaporated and cool it.

• Apply this on scalp every day for prevention of hair fall.

• Take belleric myrobalan, chebulic myrobalan, acacia concinna and emblica

myrobalan in equal ratio and crush it.

• Drench this mixture in water for approx 8 hours.

• Then boil it, after that cool it again and filter it, now you should regularly use

this for hair wash.


• Daily use Hylix lotion for massage of the scalp for approx ten minutes as a

natural remedy to control hair fall.

• This herbal hair remedy is very effective and powerful because it is made of

purely natural herbs which are very beneficial for strengthening hair.

• Hylix hair remedy supplies nutrients to scalp and hair follicles which supports

growth of hairs.

• Hylix lotion also helps in removing dandruff problem.


• Here are some other general tips to naturally control hair loss which should be

followed to make hairs strong and healthy and to prevent dandruff problem.

• You should not comb your hair when it is wet and should not wash your hair

frequently because it may eliminate its natural oils.

• You should try to protect your hair from harmful UV rays of sun.

• You should apply coconut oil in your hair at least once a week after the age of


• You should massage and wash your scalp at least once a week.

• You should take plenty of protein based drinks and foods and restrict eating the

oily, spicy, junk food, Chinese food and fermented foods.



• According to my opinion if anyone follows the above mentioned natural

remedies to control hair fall and regularly use Hylix lotion then he will surely

control hair fall and dandruff problem, and will have healthy hair.

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