Open Source for Medical



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OpenSource in MedicalPenggalih M Herlambang


Nama Penggalih Mahardika Herlambang, S.KedEmail penggalih@sibermedik.comPekerjaan Dokter Muda

Pendidikan Sekarang2008

Sedang menyelesaikan pendidikan profesi dokter umum.Sarjana Kedokteran, FKUNS Surakarta

2003 SMUN II Surabaya

Seminar & Workshop03 November 2007 “The Role of Medical Informatics in Healthcare & Current Medical Technology”-


01-02 Maret 2008 “Symposium of Technological Revolution in Medical Application”- UNIKA Atmajaya, Jakarta02 Maret 200817 Mei 200818 Mei 200815 Maret 2010

21-22 Oktober 201025-26 Oktober 2010

Workshop “Excelent Video Creation for Medical Education” -UNIKA Atmajaya, Jakarta“Seminar & Workshop Apple Macintosh”- UNS, Surakarta“Training Joomla: The Miracle of IT to Improve Medical Atmosphere” – UNS, Surakarta“ICOSic 2010: The Role of Open Source Software and Open Education Resource in Improving the Quality of Higher Education” – UNS, Surakarta.“OpenMRS ShortCourse – with the Developer” – SIMKES UGM, Jogjakarta“Seminar Forum Informatika Kesehatan Indonesia (FIKI) ke-1”- SIMKES UGM, Jogjakarta.

Organisasi2009-2010 Staff Ahli Humas Sub Divisi Informatika MER-C cabang Solo

2010-sekarang Pendiri kelompok minat kedokteran informatika “SiberMedik”.

Curicculum VitaeCuricculum Vitae


Medical + Open Source = ?

Adaideaja (c)

Medical + Informatics = ?

"Informatika Kedokteran adalah Disiplin ilmu yang berkembang dengan cepat yang berurusan dengan penyimpanan, penarikan dan penggunaan penyimpanan, penarikan dan penggunaan data, informasi, serta pengetahuan biomedik data, informasi, serta pengetahuan biomedik secara optimal untuk tujuan pemecahan masalah secara optimal untuk tujuan pemecahan masalah dan pengambilan keputusandan pengambilan keputusan” (Shortliffe, 1970)

Sinonim: E-Health, Informatika Kesehatan, Telemedicine

Medical + Informatics = ?

Area subdomain dalam informatika kedokteran (Shortliffe,1970):

* Bioinformatika. * Medical imaging. * Informatika klinis, * Informatika kesehatan masyarakat.

● “E-Health is the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) for health to, for example, treat patients,pursue research, educate students, track diseases and monitor public health.” (WHO)

Medical + Informatics = ?

Medical + Informatics = ?

Medical + Informatics = ?

Medical + Informatics = ?

Medical + Informatics = ?

Medical + Informatics = ?

Medical + Informatics = ?

Medical + Informatics = ?

MedInfo Indonesia ?

MedInfo Indonesia ?

MedInfo Indonesia ?

MedInfo Indonesia ?

MedInfo Indonesia ?

MedInfo Indonesia ?

MedInfo Indonesia ?

Med Info Indonesia

Medical Informatics + OpenSource = ?

● provides a comprehensive and structured overview of Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) projects in the domains of medical informatics and health care.

● It is an open information portal that aims to foster the exchange of ideas, knowledge and experiences about existing projects and the related ecosystem

Medical Informatics + OpenSource = ?

MED FOSS-Health Information Exchange

-Public Health and Biosurveillance

-Dental Management and Patient Record

-Electronic health or medical record

-Medical Practice Management Software

-Health System Management



-Mobile / Handheld Devices -Out of the box distributions

-Interoperability testing

Medical + OpenSource =?

Medical Informatics + OpenSource = ?

Medical Informatics + OpenSource = ?

● Pengembangan Open Source yang sudah kami lakukan:

1. Portal Web & Mobile apps : Sibermedik.Com --> CMS: WP

2. Social Network: RekanSejawat.Com --> CMS: Elgg

3. EMR : SiberMRS --> Main Engine: OpenMRS

4. Operating System: SiberMedOS --> Distro: Puppy Linux

Jejaring Sosial



• 13% Rahasia Pasien Bocor di Facebook. (• Main Game Saat Jaga, Dokter-Perawat Diskors (• Heboh hasil rontgen kepala berpaku muncul di Facebook…(• Video Operasi Bocor di Internet, Karir Jadi Taruhan (• ..dan masih banyak lagi..

Operating System & EMR

Simpulan Sementara



• Anis Fuad, DEA (2007)

• Dani Iswara, dr. (2006)

• Dennis J Streveler, Ph.D., Prof. (2010)

• Edward H Shortliffe, MD, PhD. (2006)

• Erik Tapan, dr.MHA (2007)

• GA Putri Saptawati, DR. (2010)

• Gregorius Bimantoro, dr. (2010)

• Jane Soepardi, dr.MPH (2010)

• Johan Harlan, dr.,PhD., Prof (2007)

• K.C Lun, Ph.D.,Prof (2007)
