Pink perfect: Custom-Made Nipple Prostheses


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Pink Perfectby Nataly Auger

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In 2014, at the C4YW conference in Orlando, Florida

Where the magic happens!

Installation of the prosthesis ~ part 1

Installation of the prosthesis ~ part 2

Which one is the prosthesis?

A prosthesis up close

The prosthesis is even waterproof!

You can put the water jet as close as you want!

Catalog of different models of nipple prosthesis

Michelle Kolath-Arbel

Michelle Kolath-Arbel with one of the women posing for the pictures

A nipple prosthesis up close

Before and after the nipple prosthesis application (unilateral mastectomy)

Before and after the nipple prosthesis application (bilateral mastectomy)

Pink Perfect package
