Plaque control



Plaque control

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Plaque Control

Republic Of Yemen University Of Aden Faculty Of Dentistry

Under supervison : Dr.nsreen ibrahim Dr. Abeer BarahimPrepared by : Group B 1


What is dental plaque :Dental plaque is a soft sticky and colorless deposit that accumulates on the teeth

Plaque control

is the most essential Step towards maintaining a proper and a healthy Oral Environment .Also it is the removal of microbial plaque and the prevention of its accumulation on the teeth and adjacent gingival tissues


Methods of Plaque Control:

Mechanical : 1-Individual. 2-Professional. Chemical : 1-Individual. 2-Professional.

Mechanical Plaque Control :

1-tooth brush 2-interdental aids


Individual mechanical plaque control is achieved by :

Tooth brush :



Mechanical tooth brushing:


Brushing technique :

Bass method technique Modifid bass method Stillman method The charter method

Brushing technique :

Electric tooth brushing:

They where introduced in 1939

Dentifrices :

These are the aid for cleaning and polishing of teeth surfaces. They are used in the form of powder past ointment and gel

Dentifrices :

Composition: 1-fluoride



7-flavoring agents8-sweeteners

9-coloring agents10-anticaries agents


Interdental aids :

Factors determining the selection of interdental aids are the type of embrasures : Type 1 : Type 2 : Type 3 :

It's the most commonly recommend method of removing plaque from interdental areas

Dental Floss :

Floss holder :

Inter dental brushing :

Type :

Uses :


Gingival massage :can be performed with a toothbrush rubber tip stimulator or interdental cleaning devices .it produces :-1-epithelial thickening 2-increased keratinization3-increased mitotic activity in epithelium and connective tissue

They are several types : 1-use water faucet to irrigate between and around the teeth the water is steady and is controlled turning the fenced handle 2- use and intermittent water jet

Oral irrigation devices :

Conclusion :

Dental plaque is colorless deposit that accumulates on the teeth

Plaque control is the most essential Step towards maintaining a proper and a healthy Oral Environment Plaque Control is done Mechanically and Chemically There are many technique for Brushing

From the factors that determining the selection of interdental aids are the type of embrasures

Dental Floss It's the most commonly recommend method of removing plaque from interdental areas Gingival massage produced epithelial thickening , increased keratinization , increased mitotic activity in epithelium and connective tissue

References :

Essintial of clinical periodontology and periodondices , 2nd edition , chapter 37 , pages 280 – 286

Foundation of periodontology for dental hygenic
