Presentación human body parts


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  • 1. Our body lives and works through all the hard work are organs do to keep us alive. Whether we are walking, talking, sleeping, playing or sitting, our body is constantly working hard to keeps us in full health keeping us fit. As long as we continue to treat our body with care it will take care of us. Through eating healthily and keeping an active lifestyle our body will continue working to its full potential allowing us to enjoy a long life. Our Body

2. Do you know these parts of 3. FACE 4. EYES 5. EAR 6. MOUTH (LIPS) 7. TOOTH (TEETH) 8. NECK 9. HAND 10. FINGERS 11. LEG 12. SHOULDER 13. HEAD 14. CHEST 15. FOOT 16. KNEE 17. TUMMY 18. LEG 19. ELBOW 20. BACK 21. HIP