Questionnaire results analysis


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Questionnaire Results Analysis

What’s your gender?

• As you can see from the graph, most of the people that answered my questionnaire were females.

What is your age?

• Ages of my research audience ranged from 15 and below to 24.

On an average week, how many magazines do you read?

• My answers from my questionnaire only ranged from 0-3 on this question.

Which of the following most attracts you to the front page of a magazine? • The majority of the people

that answered my questionnaire said that they buy a magazine based on the model on the front.

In the past 12 months, which of the following magazines have you purchased? (Please select all that apply.)

• There was a very large range of magazines read, but NME magazine had the huge majority.

What Genre of magazine are you most likely to buy?

• There was a clear opinion here, most people would buy a music magazine over genres such as film, fashion, technology and gossip.

In the music genre, what is your favourite sub-genre to listen to?

• In this question, the most answered genre from the ones available was indie.

In the music genre, which of the following magazines are you most likely to buy? • The most read magazines out

of the ones that were available were the ones that I am already basing my magazine around.

What price range would you be looking to spend on a music magazine? • The majority of my target

would spend £3-£3.99 when buying a single magazine.
