Reaxys Chemistry database


Citation preview

Reaxys retrieves and summarises chemistry information from available data sources and published literature.

For instance, for each type of substance: You can review a range of chemical properties;You can view citations that discuss treatment use

and application and pharmacological bioactivity;You can follow references back to original sources.

Search for Reaxys from OneSearch and follow the View Online link to it.

To begin a basic search in Reaxys type in your Drug name

A search for “Rapivab” finds 3 citations

A review of the title/abstract information for these reveals that “Permavir” is the a common name for the active drug.

Carry out a search for the active drug

Reaxys has identified 14 substances on a search of “Peramivir” with a similar molecular formula

There are a number of options for you to filter the data but the most

useful may be by limiting “Bioactivty” to Pharmacological

data and results.

This reduces results to 11 substances, based on 65

total citations

Now we will look more closely at the citations

associated with substance record for “Peramivir”

Click on show details and pharmacological data to open up the

9 related records. The first of these is a list of reference.

Clicking on a Title/Abstract can provide good summary information

about an article.

Note any useful Emtree (Embase) and Medline search terms.

Following on from the reference list is the remaining entries summarizing the tested

pharmacological impacts of this drug

It may also be useful exploring the “Uses/applications”

citation links for your drug.

In this instance it becomes clear research and patents into use of “Peramiver” is dominated by two

main research bodies.

You could extend your research by searching for papers by them?

Search OneSearch, Medline or Embase for full-text
