Releasing the chains of fear. reclaiming your power and life




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Chris Hazen MolinaHeartfelt Workforce + Lifeforce

Release the Chains of Fear: Reclaiming Your Power and Life

• I want to acknowledge each and every one of you who came today to work on the topic of fear.

• There are many others out there who didn’t find the courage to even sign up.

• They may still be paralyzed by fear. They are still wishing they could be here.

• Bravo to YOU for taking this first step!!

Before I begin……

• What are the root causes of fear?

• What is the purpose of fear in your human capacity?

• Get clear about how fear can affect you in your everyday life.

• Discover how you can transmute fear to have a new supportive (not restrictive) role in your life.

• Create actionable steps and affirmations to support you and your new relationship with fear.

What you will be learning today

What does Fear look like?

• A distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid. 

• Fear is an innate emotion that triggers our flight or fight or freeze reactions.

• Fear is your perception of an imagined future catastrophe resulting from what you are afraid of doing.

• Fear is just an emotion, which begins as a thought and then moves to our physiology as anxiety and panic.

What are the root causes of fear?

• For safety and security.• To protect you from danger.• To protect you from others that may harm you.• To protect you from making mistakes.• To align you with the fear of your parents or

culture.• To affirm your irrational beliefs or belief

system.• To affirm an old message pattern in your

conscious or unconscious mind.

What is the purpose of fear in your human capacity?

• Loss of your inner power.• Fear and shame can be coupled emotions

that align with a trauma memory from your past.

• Living consciously or unconsciously in fear can constrict the flow of light to you.

• Fear can hold you in a place of safety and live your life being risk adverse, thereby not growing or evolving.

• Living a life where you don’t grow or evolve, you don’t live your life to its fullest.

• You can live in a self induced box.

Get clear about how fear can affect you in your

everyday life.

Let’s Review your SELF Sheet

“A Deep Look at Your Relationship

with Fear”

Ask Yourself……..

“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every

experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.”

~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Are you ready to look fear in the face?

If you were talking with your fear,

What would you say?

• Have a conversation with fear. Find a partner for this experiential exercise.

• You will have 2 people; a sharer and a neutral observer in your group. And you will have 3 chairs in your group.

• You will face the empty chair who will be fear. You will play both roles, you and fear.

• Your partner will be a neutral observer, witness and support for you in this process.

Have a chat with your fear…

• What is your role in my life?

• What new role could your fear have in your life instead of being a roadblock to your happiness?

• What can fear do to support you in your life?

Questions for fear…..

What steps can I take, with the courage to move forward in my life, and with fear in its new supportive role?(Your partner can take notes for you)

Now, ask yourself this question and share the answer with your partner.

Find your Freedom!“One day she stopped listening to stories of fear and worry and found the freedom she had always desired.”

• I am safe.• Create a safe and self nurturing space for

yourself.• Trust that you are loved and cared for by your

higher power.• Accept your new relationship with fear.• Take your steps forward, one at a time.• Acknowledge yourself along you path.• You will find that fear may show up for you in

the future, but it’s charge is less and less.• You have the tools to support yourself to

move forward in your life.

Reclaim your Power and your Life

“Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth.”~ Pema Chodron

Let’s Review your SELF Sheet

“Reclaiming Your Power

and Your Life”

• Sit quietly and connect with your Inner Wisdom.

• Write at least 5 affirmations, more if you want, that will support you in moving forward in your life with fear in a new supportive relationship.

• Write these affirmations on either the colored post-its, index cards or colored paper.

• To encourage you using the creative part of your brain, decorate your affirmation card that will enhance its presence in your life.

• Share them with each other!

Create affirmations to support you and your new relationship with fear.

• Post your affirmations in a place where you can see them every day.

• Say them out loud to yourself throughout your day.• Rewrite your action steps as intentions for

yourself.• When you feel your fear creeping up on you, say

your affirmations to yourself.• If you need to have another private conversation

with your fear, do it.• You are awesome and deserve only the best in

your life….so GO GET IT!!

Take away tips……

"When you come to the edge of the light of all that is known, and are about to step off into the deep darkness of the unknown, Faith is knowing one of two things will happen….

You will step onto something that is solid or you will be

taught to fly." ~ unknown

Let’s review theMarianne Williamson quote

in your packet

In Closing……….

• Please complete the evaluation sheet for this workshop and return it to me today.

• For anyone who would like some further assistance, you can sign up for a 20 minute Discovery Session.

• Enjoy your yummy Baggins lunch and visit with everyone!

