Sleep Apnea Cure.ppt



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Sleep Apnea

Natural Exercises to help you get rid of CPAP

YES ! Throw away your CPAP for Good !

What are the Causes of Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea occurs when muscles at back of your throat relax . These muscles then obstruct your air passage .

When these throat muscles relax , airway narrows or closes during the respiration and breathing momentarily cuts off .

This is really dangerous and it may lower the level of oxygen in your blood .

Brain senses this inability to breathe and briefly rouses patient from sleep so that patient can reopen the airway.

The awakening is usually so brief that patient does not usually remember it.

Many patients with sleep apnea think they slept well all night .

Snorting , choking or gasping sound is heard .

This pattern can repeat itself 20 to 30 times each hour or more all night .

Patients feel sleepy during waking hours .

Illustration of Sleep Apnea

When to Seek Medical Advice

Snoring loud enough to disturb sleep of others

Shortness of breath that may awaken patient

Excessive daytime drowsiness With sleep apnea snoring is loudest when

patient sleeps on back , and it quiets when patient turns on other side.

Patient is chronically fatigued ,sleepy and irritable


Medications that encourage respiration but are discouraged due to serious side effects

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) is very common but many are uncomfortable using it .

Surgery Natural treatment that includes strengthen of throat muscle exercises


Is CPAP good enough ?

CPAP does not work for everyone . CPAP adds insult to injury Here's just a few of the problems people have

with CPAP:

Headaches Ear pressure Nasal congestion Dry mouth Sinus problems Claustrophobia

Alternate Treatments

Muscle Strengthening Exercises like tongue twisting ,tongue rolling etc...

In certain cases weight loss and quitting smoking have been proven to be beneficial

Breathing Exercises Laughter therapy Meditation

Some Beneficial Exercises

Tongue exercises: many people don’t realize that the tongue is a muscle. If the tongue becomes weak it can drop into the throat, causing an airway blockage. Tongue exercises assist in building the tongue’s tone and strength.

Jaw exercises: a tense jaw can contribute to obstructive sleep apnea. If the jaw is tight it can place pressure directly on the breathing passages. Jaw exercises will help to loosen and relax the jaw muscles.

Throat exercises: weakened throat muscles can collapse during sleep, causing the airway to become blocked. Throat exercises help to build, tone and strengthen the throat muscles. The exercises also open the throat up more to prevent it closing upon sleep.

Soft palate exercises: the soft palate muscles located around the base of the tongue relax during sleep. A weak soft palate can flap around and its tip can fall down onto the tongue. The soft palate exercises lift the soft palate up. The exercises also tone and strength the soft palate.

Facial exercises: these exercises help with toning and strengthening many of the areas previously mentioned, including the neck. If the neck muscles are flabby and weak they can push down on the airway.

Some Exercises

Stretch your tongue out try to touch your chin ; and now while your tongue is out look up towards your sealing .

Stay in this position for 10-15 seconds and repeat at least 8-10 times . Do this daily before sleeping .

Try to change your posture ,keep your back straight while working on your computer , or sitting .

This really helps in consolidating your weak throat muscles .

As it is popularly said that laughter is the best medicine you must Laugh

Some Laughter Tips :

Find out what’s funny Laughter without a joke Immerse yourself in humor Trigger laughter Read the comics Try laughter meditation, consisting of stretching,

laughing, and silence. It can transform your energy and mood.

Breathing Exercise for Apnea

Soft Palate Blowing : Inhale air through your nose. Exhale via your mouth. As you exhale press

your lips together. This action forms a resistance.

When you exhale tighten your abdomen. Maintain the blowing for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times

Cure Apnea Naturally

For more detailed instructions and detailed videos of how to perform the exercises and complete set of exercises visit the link in the video description .

What you would get –

Breathing Exercises Facial Exercises Tongue Exercises Jaw Exercises And Many More ……..

