Social Media Practices of America's Top Hospitals


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  • 1.Social Media Secrets of Americas Top Hospitals
    Dan Dunlop

2. Industry Best Practices
Social Media
Online Communication
Integrated Solutions Across Platforms
Caveat: The social media and online communications programs of each of these organizations are integrated and far reaching. This presentation only touches upon some of the highlights for each of them.
3. Hive Marketing
Bringing together individuals with a shared interest (moms, for example)
Allowing them to share their passion
In the case of brand advocates, giving them a forum to express their support
Become a true resource for them; this comes first
Feed them information that confirms their decision to support the brand
Activating them when needed
4. Important Vehicle for Segmenting Your Audiences
You are not speaking to a homogenous group
So to most effectively engage segments of your customer base, you can create vehicles that speak to them specifically
Social media will prove to be the nail in the coffin of the one-size-fits-all customer experience model. Robert Wollan & Nick Smith
Not an advertising medium! Build community. Help people.
5. Building Up Equity for a Rainy Day
Green Stamps analogy
Market traditional services
Circumvent traditional media when necessary
Take messaging directly to audience, unfiltered
Allow for conversation and engagement
6. Swedish Medical Center
7. Swedish Forays
Tweeted robot-assisted surgery
Worlds first social media sleep-up
Host to the Swedish/Ragan social media conference
Social media policy highly accessible -
The Swedish Blog: physicians, nurses, senior leaders, dieticians, social workers, etc. Anyone who has a voice at Swedish, including patients
8. Recognizing the Opportunity
Founder and moderator of the #HCSM group on Twitter (healthcare communications & social media)
9. The Job Description
One of the first hospitals to hire a full-time social media specialist
Oversees the integration of social media and communications
Teaches/coaches affiliated and employed physicians, and others how to use social media
Legal & ethical considerations
How to interact with patients
How to use social media to position yourself as a thought leader
Swedish Blog Creator & Administrator
10. 11. 12. 13. Engagement
14. Engagement
15. When Does Swedish Tweet?
16. One Measure of Engagement
17. Measuring Reach & Impressions(somewhat flawed)
18. Additional Tools for Gathering Social Media Metrics
19. 20. Lessons from Swedish
Engage RT, mention, invite, respond
Philosophy of using social media to help people; be a resource
Involve Essential to involve physicians, nurses, patients
Promote across channels
Social media platforms are 24/7 Theyre working when youre not
Cover your bases: Information Security: Internet Postings Policy and 10 Things to Keep in Mind When Using Social Media Sites & social media policy
Another resource: Chris Boudreaux
21. 22. Social Media Disclaimer
Ask people to stay on topic, be courteous, and avoid offensive communication
Information posted is public; exercise caution
We dont dispense medical advice via social media
Best to avoid posting personal medical information through which you could be identified
We retain the right to edit, delete, block, etc.
We are not responsible for comments of others
Contact your medical provider for specific medical advice
23. Hospital Blogs
24. Hospital Blogs
25. 26. 27. Lessons from Texas Health
Speak to niches
Follow and listen
Cross promote
28. Tufts Medical Center
31. Signature Healthcare
In affiliation with Tufts Medical Center
Brockton, Massachusetts
Lost connection with the community
Financial woes
Leadership transition
Suburban competitors
Lack of marketing infrastructure
No social media presence
33. 34. Facebook Promotion & Engagement
35. 36. Traffic Trend
37. Engagement & Response
332 comments to date
Average 80 visits per day
26 subscribers to the blog
Facebook and Wordpress are top referrers
244 people have clicked through to Signature Healthcares site
126 click throughs to Tufts site
38. 39.

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