Sticking With Your Fitness Resolutions, by Maria Haymandou


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By !Maria Haymandou

Sticking With



Make it a part of your


• Make working out as important to your daily schedule as everything else, and write it into your calendar

• This will keep your fitness plan in place

Plan the best time

of day• If you go when the

gym is less crowded, then you’ll be more relaxed about keeping up with your routine!

• You also won’t find yourself waiting in line to use a machine

Don’t overdo it

• If you make your workout too intense, you’ll hurt and ache more than you should !

• That will make you dread going back

Set achievable goals• Setting

concrete goals makes them more reachable, and helps encourage you to keep going!

• Once you’ve achieved one set of goals, set your next goals a bit higher

Keep a fitness diary

• Include what you do at the gym and what you’re eating, so you can see what works and what doesn’t!

• This will let you adjust your workout to focus on problem areas

Vary your exercises

Get a buddy

• Getting somebody to come with you offers some social interaction and encouragement when you feel like giving up!

• It also keeps you accountable

Try a personal trainer

Start out religiously

• It takes a while to see results, so if you keep that in your mind, then you’ll be more likely to stick with it!

• It takes four weeks before you notice a change, six weeks before your friends notice and eight weeks before everybody else does

Don’t stop because of setbacks• Most people

drop their health and fitness routines when they miss workouts!

• If you run into a setback, make sure you go back as soon as possible and keep going