Stress management


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Researchers define stress as a physical, mental, or emotional response to events that causes bodily or mental tension.

The rate of wear & tear on the body.

Course Objectives

To increase understanding of the dynamics of stress

To increase awareness of the role of stress in everyday life

To avoid stress To increase awareness of multiple stress

management options

Course Highlights

Introduction To Stress Management Finding Your Optimum Stress Levels Symptoms of stress Myths of Stress Types of stress Stressors

Meditation Taking Exercise Physical Stress Reduction Time Management Improving Attitudes Slowing Down Health and Nutrition Healthy Environment


Stress Can Be Helpful or Harmful

Helpful (eustress): extra energy to meet physical challenges, solve problems and reach goals

Harmful (distress): can cause headaches, backaches, loss of appetite etc.

Is All Stress Bad?

Moderate levels of stress may actually improve performance and efficiency

Too little stress may result in boredom

Too much stress may cause an unproductive anxiety level

Signs of Stress Physical

Headache Back Pain Fatigue Aches Pains Frequent colds Chest painsWeight gain/lossUnexpected hair lossHigh blood pressure

Mental Difficulty Concentrating Avoiding tasks and responsibilities Negative mental attitude Poor Decision Making loss of sense of humor Mental lethargy Arguing Increased Errors

Emotional • anxiety• short temper• nervousness• impatience• depression • anger• frustration • worry • fear and • becoming easily discouraged.

Common Behavioral and Social Symptoms of Stress

Nervous habits Increased eating Smoking and drinking Crying, yelling Swearing Blaming Throwing things, hitting Suffering loneliness Distrusting Unsatisfactory family relationships Engaging in socially unacceptable behavior, e.g.

drinking and driving. Being late to work

Myths of Stress

All stress is bad Stress will not hurt you No symptoms, no stress Only major symptoms of stress are


Types of Stress

Survival stress Internally

generated stress Environmental

and job stress Fatigue and


Survival Stress-1

Where you are in a physically or emotionally threatening situation, your body adapts to help you react more effectively to meet the threat

This is controlled mainly by release of adrenaline. The changes are quite powerful and useful in a ‘flight or fight’ situation. The main ones are:

Survival Stress-2

Adrenaline mobilizes sugars, giving your body access to more strength, energy and stamina. This helps your to fight harder or run faster

It reduces the blood supply to your skin and short-term inessential organs. This minimizes bleeding if you are hurt, and ensures that energy is not wasted on processes that are not immediately useful

You may experience nausea or diarrhea: this eliminates excess weight that might otherwise slow you down

Internally Generated Stress & Anxiety

Stress can cause the levels of a chemical called noradrenalin to rise in and between nerve cells. This gives a feeling of confidence and elation that some people like

Perfectionism Anxiety

Environmental Stressors

Crowding and invasion of personal space

Insufficient working and living space

Noise Dirty or untidy

conditions Pollutions A badly organized or

run down environment

Chemical and Nutritional Stressors

Caffeine Alcohol Bursts of sugar

from sweets or chocolate

Too much salt Smoking

Lifestyle and Job Stressors

Too much or too little work

Time pressures and deadlines

Responsibility for people, budgets or equipment

Frustration and boredom with current role

Lack of clear plans and goals

Demands from clients Financial or relationship

problems Poor health Family changes such as

birth, death, marriage, or divorce etc

Managing Stress

What is your favorite stress reliever?

1.Laugh unconditionally

2.Eat Healthy Foods

Add veg & fiber to ur food


Cut down on sugar, caffeine, processed foods

Eat nutritiously: all food groups, especially fresh fruits and veggies

Eat a little every couple of hours or so

Eat slowly



3. NO!!!

4. Drink sufficient water

5. Water Theme for Stress Reduction

Water’s Importance Water is associated with life. Human settlements evolved along rivers & waterways. “Water is the universal remedy” as written in the ancient

Vedas (the first literature produced 10 to 15 thousand years ago).

Whether sunny or foggy or cloudy My favorite is to bundle up and go on a cloudy

day, when no one else is there Staring out to sea makes my troubles seem so

small. The ocean reminds me of my place in the world and my stresses suddenly take their proper proportion.

Weekend Trips to the Beach

Water Theme Continued

Walks Along Bay Shore After WorkBath at morning Hot Baths in the EveningsWith mellow music, a good magazine or book,

candles,bubbles…it all helps to erase a crazed day.

Take a deep shower sometimes in rain, in sea or in a

fountain .

Sometimes drive a bike in rain, if possible.

6.Exercise Stress Relief Strategies

1. Body relaxation exercises

- breathing techniques

- guided imagery2. Physical exercise

-yoga-work out routine

3. Meditation4. Counseling

-talk therapy positive talk

Exercise Aerobic exercises & activitiesStrengthen your heart, lungs and associated blood vessels and increase stamina.A) WalkingB) Jogging C) SwimmingD) Aerobic dancingRunning - most popular form of aerobic exercise.

Improves your cardiovascular efficiency and your metabolism. Heart is strengthened and enlarged Blood vessels become more elastic Oxygen utilization becomes more efficient Resting pulse rate is lowered Level of blood fats such as triglycerides and cholesterol is most likely to be


Each one of these meaning less chance of high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, heart attack or stroke

ExerciseMuscular strengthening exercises increase strength and size (bulk) of muscles or

groups of musclesMuscular endurance exercise improves stamina (tone) of muscles as well as

groups of muscles.Flexibility exercises decrease muscle tension improve flexibility of specific muscle groups help maintain joint mobility improve circulation helps prevent injury.


8. Nurture Your Spirituality

Temple , Church, etc Help others Spend quiet time every day Be thankful Think positively Put your faith to work! "I am at peace in the midst of chaos or madness.

No person, place or thing has the power to upset me.".

9.Go for a long drive in a moonlit night

Or go for a voyage in a moonlit night

10. Get a Pet

11.Time Management

Get organized Get structured Set short term goals Set long term goals Use a planner:

daily schedule and “To Do” list


Breathing: practice deep breathing Progressive muscle relaxation Meditation Tapes, CDs etc.: Either something

structured (commercial) or soothing music

Choose and schedule it in

13.Cognitive (Thoughts)

Pay attention to what you say to yourself

Identify negative thinking and irrational beliefs

Negative thinking leads to stress and anxiety

Teach thought-stopping techniques

One negative thought

leads to another……….. then another……….. then another …..

Pretty soon you have ruined your entire life

14.Get Enough Sleep

15.Learn to say


Stress Management

16.Lighter moments

17.Improving Attitudes

What to do about:


Hurting actions/words


Saying always no

18.Relax Our brain fires electrical waves at 14 or

more cycles a second. These are beta waves and are great for

getting tasks done, but not for learning new things.

Taking a few minutes to relax deeply slows your brain waves down.

These slower waves are alpha waves. They occur at between 7 and 14 cycles a

second Studies show alpha waves improve


19.Eliminating Stress From Your Environment

A poorly organized living space can be a major source of stress.

If your environment is well organized and pleasant, then it can help to reduce stress and increase productivity.

To improve air quality:

Ban smoking Open windows Use an ioniser Have plants in the room.

Bad lighting can cause eye strain and increase fatigue, as can light that is too bright, or light that shines directly into your eyes. Fluorescent lighting can also be tiring. What you may not appreciate is that the quality of light may also be important.

Try experimenting with working by a window or using full spectrum bulbs in your desk lamp. You will probably find that this improves the quality of your working environment.

Decoration & avoid noise

A chaotic and cluttered living or work space adds to stress.

Don’t be dogmatic, but keep the area you are working in free of clutter.

Have calming and happy decorations.

More Ideas…

Try a New Thing Cry Learn to be flexible Relax Exercise & Fresh Air Build a Support System – Friends, Family

and Co-Workers Focus less on pleasing others and more on

pleasing yourself Create a mental image of a pleasant and relaxing place

in your mind.

Even More Ideas Sometimes go to a movie Stay away from negative people Surround yourself with upbeat,

flexible and fun people. Sometimes play a computer or video

game. Sometimes do cooking or gardening Clean the house and surrounding Expect some frustrations, failures and

sorrows. Always be kind and gentle with yourself –

be a friend to yourself.

Benefits of Stress Management

Physical health gets better-more energy and stamina

Emotions stabilized-positive attitude-hopeful/happier

Ability to focus improved-able to learn and achieve

And Landers said…

“People take advantage of you only with your permission”.

Live with an Attitude of Gratitude Be Grateful for

what you have.