Tennis Elbow? Avoid These Gym Exercises



When you have Tennis Elbow these are the key upper-body, strength-training gym exercises you should temporarily avoid… While you’re still recovering from your Tennis Elbow / Lateral Epicondylitis injury AND potentially for a short time afterward. For the full article click the link on slide #11 “Article” – (VIDEO on the last slide: #12) – Or go to: The most important exercises to skip are: – Anterior and Lateral Deltoid Raises – (Especially Lateral Raises with a straight elbow) – Reverse Biceps Curls – Upright Rows – Cable Exercises There is an important, preliminary question, however: Should you be doing ANY upper-body strength-training exercises while you’re recovering from Tennis Elbow, in the first place? It’s not a simple question with an easy answer, but if you do decide it’s right for you to keep working out, then here are some key considerations: – Whether you stop when it hurts or not! – How much weight you use, – Whether you warm up first, – And how many sets you do per exercise. In other words, it’s not going to matter much which exercises you do if you ignore these basics. So be smart and warm up thoroughly with plenty of cardio, use a lot less weight than you normally would, do fewer sets… And, most importantly, be sure to STOP if your elbow starts hurting significantly! For more please read: “Can You Still Work Out When You Have Tennis Elbow”

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Here’s a link to the full-length article – with video and podcast, which goes into more detail about the kinds of exercise you should avoid when you have Tennis Elbow, including:

Link to full article below – (Video on next page)

Article And Video On Exercises To Avoid With Tennis Elbow

– Other upper-body gym exercises to avoid,

– General thoughts on exercising with Tennis Elbow,

– And the “Dumbbells Vs Barbells” question / debate…
