3 Keys to Growing Your Billing Service



There has never been a better time to focus on growing your billing service. According to the 2014 Black Book Survey, many practices see outsourcing their revenue cycle management as one of the key things that can help them stay independent. In fact, 42% of small physician practices with employed billing staff hope to move billing out-of-house to an outsourcer in next twelve months. In this webinar, billing service and marketing experts will help you understand what you need to do to take advantage of this growth in outsourcing. You’ll learn how to: -Strengthen your marketing and online reputation -Close more deals -Use resources from Kareo to strengthen your business offerings There are many tools that you can add to your arsenal to grow your business and revenue. Kareo can help.

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3 Keys to Growing Your Billing Service

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Your Hosts Today…

Tim Tyrell-Smith

Jim Sholeff

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Our Schedule for Today…

1 Introduction & Welcome Tim & Jim

2 3 Keys to Growing Your Billing Service

3 Answer Questions

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Participate via Social




We’ll be live tweeting during today’s webinar!

How to participate:1. Follow @GoKareo on Twitter2. Join the conversation using #KareoTip3. Join Building Best Practices

group on LinkedIn

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Tim Tyrell-Smith

Director of Marketing Communications at Kareo

Brand and social marketing consultant

Expert at driving awareness and excitement with target customers

Passionate about small business success

Trained in marketing at Nestle, the world’s largest food and nutrition company

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Jim Sholeff

Founder of ECCO Health, a multi-specialty medical billing company

Currently, a Director at Kareo

Grew ECCO Health to over 250 customers

Developed ECCO’s unique business process outsourcing solution

Former medical practice manager

BS in Biochemistry from Indiana University

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Our Schedule for Today…

1 Introduction & Welcome Tim & Jim

2 3 Keys to Growing Your Billing Service

3 Answer Questions

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© Kareo, Inc. | 2011 8

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Why Engage Patients?According to the 2014 Black Book User

Survey, 42% of solo and small practices are looking to outsource in the next 12 months


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Marketing & Reputation

Selling to Professionals

Strengthening Your Offerings

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You already have an online reputation so own


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Marketing & Reputation

WebsiteSocial MediaEvents

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Rule of 7

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ModifiableGood SEOUsefulActionable

Your Website Here

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Use a content management system (CMS).Make sure more than one person can make

updates.Develop a calendar for updates and new content.Know your standards and stick to them (fonts,

colors, etc.).

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Maximize SEO

Create unique page titlesUse meta tagsOffer quality content

Easy to readFocused on the topicWritten for your audience

Use images

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Maximize SEO

If you’re seeking local business: Make sure city name and keywords are in your content

(i.e., Medical Billing Service in San Diego). Include your full address on every page and make sure

it is exactly the same in every usage. Link your Google Maps listing to your website.

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UsefulMake it easy for visitors to find what they need.Keep navigation clear and simple.Ensure that all the important stuff is there:

Contact info on contact page and header or footer of every other page

Email address Hours of operation Services Education and tools Any policies customers should understand

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Provide tools and features that allow customers and prospects to take action and engage:

Blog Downloads (white papers, checklists, etc.) Ability to schedule an appointment with a sales

rep Calendar of events or programs with registration Online chat or email from the site

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Online ListingsClaim directory listings, especially Google Places

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© Kareo, Inc. | 2011 20

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73% of US adults use social networks

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Social Media

Social Media Be consistent across your website and social channels

with your “brand”. Invite customers to “like” and “follow” you on Facebook

and Twitter. Put links to your Facebook and Twitter pages on your

website, business cards, and in your email signature. Encourage your staff to “like” and “follow” your billing

service and share.

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Social Media

Social Media Like and follow influencers (i.e., billing, practice

management, local and regional societies) Post regularly with tips, tricks, and hot news. Interact with your followers. Stay professional but also be personable.

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Events & Publications

Look for new opportunities:• Share your expertise in local or regional industry blogs, publications, and at events.

• Offer free education on hot topics like ICD-10 and Meaningful Use.

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Match problems with solutions to

close sales

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Consultative Selling

“Looking for opportunities to match problems with solutions”

“An approach to selling in which customer needs are used as the basis for the sales dialogue”

“Solutions-based selling”

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6 Easy Steps to Fame and Fortune

PrepareAskListenAdjust InformQualify/Close

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Know your solution. Know your market. Know how your prospects think. Know your prospects. Know your limitations.Develop a play book. Think about how you have

evaluated services.

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Ask What is the chief complaint? H & P… open ended, leading questions. Test the prospect’s understanding. Tell me where it hurts. Dig, grind, cry if you have to,

commiserate. Develop an understanding of the

situation. Develop a target list or framework for the

entire evaluation process. 3 basic categories: Rev, Risk, Hassle.

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Listen for clues about the doctor/practice.

Evaluate what they know, what’s really bothering them.

Remember how doctors think. They may not know what they don’t know.

Listen until it hurts. Really.

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Apply “SA” Fighter pilot training and Peyton Manning.

Who is the decision maker? Influencer?

Test your assumptions. Go back and ask follow up questions.

Pick your battles.Circle back to our advantages.

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Stay In Steps 2, 3 & 4 Until...



Develop a closing argument before leaving these steps in the process. “If you shoot for the king, you better not


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Inform … This Is the Hard Part

Based on the evaluation of the practice, tell them what is good and bad. Be direct, informative and above all, be honest.

Make sure the prospect knows what is important, what is significant and what the consequences are.

Based on what you know so far, offer your best advice. Be specific.

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If we’ve done a good job so far, this should be easy.

If the prospect pushes back, reinforce the good and bad consequences or key metrics you identified and discussed.

“Assumed sale”, “Stray dog”, “Matter of fact”

Be prepared to say this is not a good fit. A good “Leave” could be a future win.

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© Kareo, Inc. | 2011 34

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Why Engage Patients?

82% of practices aim to integrate practice

management, EHR and outsourced billing with a

single vendor.

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Strengthen Offerings

Integrated PM & EHR

Specialty SolutionsEducation &


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Kareo PM & EHR

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Kareo Specialty EHR Partners

Specialty PartnerNeurology Amazing Charts

Cardiology Nexus Clinical

Chiropractic BackChart

Dermatology & Plastic Surgery Modernizing Medicine

Podiatry Amazing Charts

General Surgery Nexus Clinical

Nephrology Falcon

Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapy


Orthopedic Surgery ChartLogic

Ophthalmology & Optometry Integrity

Otolaryngology (ENT) ChartLogic

Chronic Disease ElationEMR

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Kareo Marketplace

• Kareo Partners• Online appt.

scheduling• Text reminders• Recalls• Phone visits• Reputation


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Educational Resources



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Our Schedule for Today…

1 Introduction & Welcome Tim & Jim

2 3 Ways to Grow Your Billing Service

3 Answer Questions

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Let’s Answer Your Questions

Is it too late to think about Stage 1 attestation?

888.775.2736 x1sales@kareo.com

-- Questions After the Webinar --

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