Different Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures to Improve the Look and Function of Teeth


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Different Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures to Improve the Look and Function of Teeth

Keeping up a healthy dental care regimen is the key to having healthy teeth,

but sometimes there are uncontrollable situations that can often lead to losing one or more teeth.

Here are a few of these cosmetic dentistry procedures that improve smiles in many ways:

Porcelain Veneers

These are very thin custom-made tooth shells used to cover the teeth’s surface. The tooth shells are made out of porcelain.

Dental Crowns

These are primarily used to cover a damaged or weak tooth, strengthening and protecting it so it can function like a normal tooth.

Dental bridges.

While dental crowns are used to cover and protect a tooth, dental bridges are used to actually replace missing teeth.

We have dentists at The Dental Company who offers different dental services, including cosmetic dentistry!

