Healthy chips for eats


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Usodan , Cadidea

Pascua,Loty Rhae


DAY: Promote healthier choices


DAY: Healthy in their homes and daily environments

Contribute to reducing the burden of obesity.


DAY: Improve quality of life across the life span.


To give the best healthy alternative or

substitute chips that can truly satisfy the

human needs and wants.


Promote healthier choices

Healthy in their homes and daily environments

Contribute to reducing the burden of obesity.

Improve quality of life across the life span.

Chips in one snack pack

This chips in one snack pack contains different

kinds healthy chips that can benefit all the cravings

of one person who is addicted to unhealthy chips.

There's a lot of nutrients in this pack that

unhealthy chips won’t have. Some nutrients are

rich in fiber, vitamins c, a and e

Promote healthier choices

In promoting healthier choices we must know what to eat and how to eat.

All of us one, of our favorite food is chips or junk foods but we don’t really know the effects

of eating this kind of foods. Crunchy and crispy chips may be perfect snacks. But are you

aware of the side effects which munching on chips might cause? Apart from the increased

calorie count, there are many other negative effects caused by these snacks on your health.

Side Effects Of Consuming Chips:

They are capable of causing constipation and digestion related problems since they lack in fiber content.

Salted chips may raise your blood pressure levels. It may also lead to edema and swelling of body parts due to the high sodium content.

Spiced chips may cause heartburn or acid reflux and so you may feel uncomfortable for a very long time.

Being deep fried in oil, they can raise your blood cholesterol levels too.

The high calorie content of chips may make you prone to diabetes and also make you obese.

Try these seven tips for smart snacking

Give healthy snacks a chance.

If you try some of the healthier snack alternatives out there, you may well find that you

enjoy them. smart snack bags," containing baked chips, low-fat cookies, fruit cups,

sunflower seeds, and water. If you're one of the many people whose idea of a good snack

is something crunchy and salty, know that you can have your crunch and eat smart, too.

Here are a few possibilities for more healthful crunchy snack foods:

Low Fat Kettle Crisps (110 calories, 1.5 grams fat, 0 g saturated fat, and 2 grams fiber

per 1 ounce.)

Baked Tostitos (110 calories, 1 gram fat, 0 g saturated fat, and 2 grams fiber per 1


Reduced Fat Triscuits (120 calories, 3 grams fat, 0 g saturated fat, and 3 grams fiber per

1 ounce)

Padrinos Reduced Fat Tortilla Chips (130 calories, 4 grams fat, 0.5 grams saturated fat,

and 1 gram fiber per ounce.)

2. Avoid trans fats.

What is trans fat?

Some meat and dairy products contain small amounts of naturally occurring

trans fat. But most trans fat is formed through an industrial process that adds

hydrogen to vegetable oil, which causes the oil to become solid at room


Be a label detective.

Don't decide whether to buy a food based on the advertising banners on

the front of the package. Check out the Nutrition Information label on the

back, too. This will tell you what the company calls a portion of that food.

Prepare to be amazed: What they say is a serving and what you actually

eat may be completely different. The Nutrition Information label lists the

calories; grams of fat, saturated fat and trans fat; and, sometimes, grams

of sugar. So if the label says a serving is 1 ounce of chips and you eat 2 or

3 ounces, double or triple the nutrition information numbers.


•Carrots chips

¼ kilo of carrots – 30 pesos

1 bottle sunflower oil- 55 pesos

•potato chips

¼ kilo of potato – 30 pesos

1 bottle of sunflower oil – 75 pesos

Potato chips Potato salt (optional) sunflower oil Procedures: Slice your potatoes to your desired thickness Add 3 tablespoons of salt to a large bowl of water and soak

your sliced potatoes in the salt water for half an hour Choose an oil you'd like to fry with Heat your oil in a deep fryer or a large frying pan Cook your potatoes in small batches, removing when they

start to turn golden brown. Once removed, put the chips on a plate with a paper towel

over it to absorb the oil.

Carrots chips


1 pound fresh carrots, cut into 1/2-inch sticks

2 teaspoons sunflower oil

1/2 teaspoon salt


Put an olive in a pan wait until the oil heated and put the carrots. wait a few seconds until the texture of the carrots will be color brown.

Serve them with a little salt to taste.

III. Healthy chips in our home and environment

Homemade or alternative healthy chips. Baked

cinnamon apple chips Potatoes or sweet potatoes


Healthy eatings tips

1. Set yourself up for success

2. Moderation is a key

3. Its not just what you eat, its how you eat. *listen to your body * eat

breakfast and eat smaller meals throughout the body. * avoid eating at night.

4. Fill up on colorful fruits and vegetables.

5. Eat more healthy carbs and whole grains.

6. Enjoy healthy fats and avoid unhealthy fats.

7. Put protein in perspective.

Benefits of eating healthy

You'll be more productive .

You'll be happier .

You won't be as stressed .

You'll control your weight .

You'll eat less .

You'll think it taste better .

You'll age better .

You'll be healthier .

You'll live longer .

You'll save money

Contributing to reducing the burden of


What is the difference between being

overweight and being obese?

Being overweight or obese are both terms for having more body fat than what

is considered healthy. Both are used to identify people who are at risk for

health problems from having too much body fat. However the term " obese"

generally means a much higher amount of body fat than overweight.

Causes of obesity

Chips are an inexpensive, tasty and easily available snack, but the toll they take on your body may not be worth the pleasure. While enjoying an occasional handful of chips won't cause irreparable damage to someone consuming an otherwise healthy diet, the real dangers arise when you consume chips on a daily basis or regularly choose them over healthier options.

Effects of eating unhealthy chips

Weight Gain

Low Nutrition

High Blood Pressure

High Cholesterol

Healthy Alternatives

Alternative weight loss techniques:


When you starting a weight loss plan, regular massages can help reduce the

stress and irritability that come with making big changes to your lifestyles.


Acupunture helps to get that persons system working so that they're in a better

mood, sleeping better, and have more energy.


Anyones who's taken a vigorous ashtanga class known that yoga can make you

sweat. But when it comes to weight loss, a mindful, or yogic approach takes

place off the mat, too.

Exercise at home


Triceps push – up

Plank crawl

Walking lunge

Single leg balance stick

Bird dog

Side plank hip drops


Superman back attention

Healthy living to across lifespan.

40,000 deaths a year due to junk foods / chips.

More than 40,000 Britons are dying unnecessarily every year because of high levels of salt and fat in their diets, the Government’s public health watchdog Nice has warned.

Chips were previously cooked with

oils like cottonseed oil that are high in

saturated fat, which can clog the

arteries. Look for chips cooked with

healthier oil options, such as

sunflower oil, which has half the

saturated fat of cottonseed oil.

Increasing Life

Expectancy in 4

Effective yet Simple



We often say that exercise has a significant effect

in increasing life expectancy, but let’s make it

even simpler: jogging. The significance of jogging

in increasing the human life span has been

demonstrated in a number of recent medical



Spending a few minutes each day alone, in

some quiet spot in your home, and

performing deep breathing exercises and

mentally focusing on positive and calming

thoughts have been found to reduce or

even eliminate stress.


It has been found out that many adults lack vitamin D. a highly important nutrient that plays a vital role in providing protection from heart disease, diabetes and practically every other ailment known to man. Most of us work at an office, which means our exposure to sunlight is severely limited.

Staying connection with others

Most importantly, as we are all social creatures by

nature, we constantly need that connection with

others. Increasing life expectancy
