How To Help Grow Natural Hair Faster


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• Argan Oil is frequently called liquid gold of Morrocco, is an oil produced from the kernels of the argan tree, endemic to Morocco, that is valued for its nutritive, cosmetic and numerous medicinal properties. The argan tree grows only in the south west of Morocco. The argan oil has been used for the remedy and cosmetics since the ancient ages. The argan oil is %100 natural, pure and unique. The argan tree is under the protection of UNESCO against extinction. The scientific studies have shown that there isn't any product equivalent to Argan oil.

Benefits of Argan Oil for Hair

• Argan oil has many benefits, but one of the best way to use it is for hair and skin care. As the production of pure argan oil is very hard process, pure argan oil for hair does not come cheap, but its effects are nothing short of spectacular. Many hair problems such as dry hair, rough hair, dull hair lacking shine and frizzy hair can be solved with the use of this wonder oil. The reason that it is so effective for repairing damaged hair and has even surpassed the other wellknown oil in popularity is because it is not only rich in vitamin E, but it also contains Omega 3 and Omega 9 unsaturated fatty acids that provides nutrition to hair. In addition to these, it also contains Linoleic and Oleic acid that helps to hydrate and moisturize hair.

Some of the benefits of using Moroccan argan oil for hair are as follows:

• Argan oil penetrates deeply into hair follicles( hair grows in follicles) , strenghtens hair and thus help to prevent the hair loss.

• Due to affecting the blood circulation positie way, argan oil help to keep the skin cell live

• It helps to repair as well as prevent the occurrence of split ends caused by several factors.

• As argan oil contains unsaturated Omega 3 and Omega 9 fatty acids, so it is able to penetrate the hair shaft and repair damaged hair follicles.

• It also increases shine of lackluster dry hair by locking in the moisture.

• Unlike other hair oil, argan oil is non greasy and non oily and therefore it does not weight down hair making it limp.

Argan oil is ideal for taming rough, dry, frizzy and unmanageable hair.It is light and almost weightless so there is less probability of build up.For those who have damaged their hair with too much of hair straightening and other chemical treatments, argan oil can help in restoring the lost luster.Many people with color treated hair complain of rough hair and color fading. Regular application of argan oil on color treated hair can help in keeping the color intact for a greater duration and it would also prevent any dryness.

Argan oil is immediately absorbed by the hair and it restores the lost moisture.It also acts as a shield for harmful UV rays and protects the hair from environmental pollution.Because it has a high content of vitamin E, argan oil is very effective for hair growth too.It nourishes hair from the root, strengthening it, thereby preventing hair loss.Argan oil is very good for uncontrollable and manageable hair. It restores the smoothness of hair maket hem manageable again. Hair stylists also consider that Argan oil may finally be right choice to heal and restore the damaged, dry and weak hair from environmental extremes,excessive styling practices and perms

Frequently asking questions about ArganLife Shampoo with Argan oil:

• What tests have ArganLife Shampoo passed successfully?• • Our product has passed successfully the dermatological and microbiological tests.• • • Are there any hazardous substances on human health in the shampoo ?• • Arganlife shampoo doesn’t contain paraben, silicon and alcohol.• • What types of hair is ArganLife suit for ?• • • Our ArganLife Shampoo is suit for all types of hair on both female and male.• • • • Is ArganLife shampoo with argan oil very effective for hair growth ? • • As ArganLife shampoo with argan oil contains very rich ingredients and vitamins, it is nutritious and • Since it nourishes hair from the root tip, it will make your hair grown faster.

• Is ArganLife shampoo suit for the dyed hair and hair with highlihts? • ArganLife shampoo with pure argan oil help the hair which has been damaged by some chemical substance,

environmental factors and hair dryer machine to looks healthy again • Is ArganLife Shampoo effective against dandruff ? • ArganLife shampoo with special Formula help to prevent the occuring dandruff • Does ArganLife shampoo help to prevent hair loss? • The formula of ArganLife has been prepared after long studies against the especially hair loss. • What are the effects of argan oil on hair ? • Having rich vitamin E and fatty acids, Argan oil makes hair strong, helping to prevent hair loss, giving hair silky lively looks

and makes hair easy to be formable.

• Is it possible for unmanageable hair to get softness and to be combed easy ? • As Argan Life shampoo moisturize hair, It allow hair to be combed easy and provides softness

Hair Structure and Hair Life Cycle