How to treat acne with aloe vera gel


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How to Treat Acne With Aloe Vera Gel

How to Treat Acne With Aloe Vera Gel

There are variuos ways with which one can cure his/her acne and its scars but aloe vera gel is generally preferred as the one of the best and amazing remedy for the acne. Aloe vera is the shrub and is known for producing latex and gel which helps in curing the acne and acne scars. In these slides we will tell you how to use Aloe Vera for treating the acne.

About Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a amazing and wonder plant as it is used to cure many health related problems. It is basically a short stemmed shrub that is produced only through cultivation, it cannot be found in the wild. The leaves of aloe Vera are succulent and erect and form a dense rosette. Aloe consists of 2 types of components like latex and gel, these are used in various number of medications. Aloe Vera gel is basically a clear jelly like substance which is present in the inner part aloe plant leaf, whereas aloe latex can be obtained from under plant’s skin and it is yellow in color. It is used as a remedy in different skin situations such as acne and many others.

How Aloe is Good for Acne?

Aloe Vera is basically a plant which is used widely for various skin conditions. It consists of components, which can help in lowering the inflammation and pain. ABOUT ACNE:Acne is a skin condition which is generally characterized by inflammation, irritation, pain and itching. It occurs when the follicles of your skin get clogged. If they get completely blocked or infiltrated by bacteria, then it may get an unsightly and painful skin problem.

Luckily, aloe can also help you in getting rid of acne, when combined with a product that is of perfect for the skin hygiene.•Having anti-bacterial action that kills the bacteria which leads acne problems.•also having antioxidant actions that helps in lowering the pain and also heal your skin as well. It also lowers the scars.

How to use Aloe Vera for Acne Treatment?

Method No. 1Get a fresh aloe Vera and extract out its gel.Gently apply this gel on your affected part.Stay regular with this procedure and perform it twice a day for at least one week in order to cure acne and pimples.Method No. 2Get a fresh aloe Vera gel and add a little quantity of turmeric, honey, milk and few drops of rose water.Mix all the ingredients well and then gently apply it on the acne affected part of your skin. Remain it for 15 – 20 minutes and then wash your face with water.Do this procedure on daily basis in order to cure the acne as soon as possible.

How to use Aloe Vera for Acne Treatment?

Method No. 3 Take fresh aloe Vera leaf and take out the gel from itPut the gel in the blender in order to prepare a fine gel.Add few drops of lemon or lime in the blended aloe Vera gel and again blend it on order to mix all together.Put this fresh aloe Vera lotion in a container and keep it in the refrigerator. Gently apply this paste on the face like you apply a face mask at every night before going to sleep.Allow to remain it overnight and then wash it off the next day morning.Repeat this process on daily basis, until you get some relief from the acne and its scars.

Precautions Before using Aloe Vera to Treat Acne

Below given are the precautions that you need to follow:

•Drinking Aloe Vera juice frequently for more than one year can increase the risk of colorectal cancer.

•You can combine aloe Vera with other ingredients but also make sure to recheck it once before making these combinations.

•Aloe Vera gel that is made commercially can be used before and after cleansing.

•Now pat dry the skin after washing using aloe Vera soap. Simply follow the manufacturer’s directions of usage.

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