Impian sarawak health camp. 19 21st jan 2015.1


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We all dream of a better Malaysia.I understand that there will soon be an Impian Kelantan

The team at Paramount Hotel, before leaving for Bawang Assan

The team at Paramount Hotel Foyer, before leaving for Bawang Assan, all fresh and eager

Time to go, boys and girls!

This minibus takes us everywhere. Today, it is Bawang Assan

At Bawang Assan. The Camp site is the Church.Last 100 meters is walk.Dr Steven Chow and gear

The Church is to the left. These are the tents for the patients to wait away from sun and rain

There were 3 stations. Dr Ng coming down the stairs of Station one.Station two is breast exam, dentist and eyeStation 3 is gynae station

We are all sharing the dream, the Sarawak Dream

Walking to the Camp. Dark and slippery

The Church with the Cross is station oneThe next house with a flag in front of the walk way, is station 2The building the red shirt man is walking pass in station 3By 6 pm, the patch of green lallang and the area od the van, will be floodedThe mighty Rajang is to our left, outside the picture

Dr Ng and nurse Song, in front of station 3, waiting for patient

I am in Station 2, trying to create clinic space for Eye, breast examination and also dental clinicWe managed.

The patients are coming. Before the rain and the floodThe mighty Rajang is to the left.The area where the motor bike and van are will soon be flooded.

Still waiting for patients, SRN Song and Dr Ng

Station one is the main church building.Dr Low, posing for photo.In front of her, on her right is registration conter and on her left is the Pharmacy

Dr Ng, in front of his clinic.Free time

Pharmacy in front of station one. Dr Chow and Dr Tan, in the pic

The waiting crowd.In Bawang Assan, we saw 138 patientsBy 6pm, that area will be flooded

YB Oscar Ling,Walking down the stairs of station 2

Leave your shoes outside please!This is the pouch outside station 2

The wonder youths of DAP, helping me to create a private room for breast examination. They succeeded.

Partitioning the station 2 into 3 rooms for dental clinic ( near kitchen ), breast exam and eye exam.

The Dental Clinic in station 2. They pull out about 20 teeth here.

Partitioning the Hall of station 2.

The crowd is gathering. Be seen before the rain and floods come.

The small road leading to the Church ( Camp site ).

Back to long house after consultation.

From Long House to Church, to see doctor. Narrow, slippery and dark after 6 pm

Mr David, our iban interpreter, helping the old lady to the Camp.

Mr David and the old lady reaching the Church ( Camp site ).

Saudara YB Lim KS came to visit and spend some time with us, seeing the work.

Saudara YB Kit Siang with Dr Steven Chow

Saudara Kit with dental nurse Ruth. Introduction

I was showing Saudara YB Kit around the Camp, introducing him to the team

Nurse Ding, recording BMI

Nurse Chew, recording BP

Dermatologist Chow, taking a pic for his album

They are waiting.There was a queue

Saudara YB Kit with the locals

Dr Tan, dispensing multivitamins donated by generous well wishers

The multivits distributed to almost everyone.Donated by well wisher from KL

YB Tony Pua with YB Chong and nurse Song outside station 2.Before the rain and floods

Patient with walking stick walking down station 1 after consult.

Engineer and admin Tang having a quiet moment with Saudara YB Kit.

The Camp in full swing.Bawang Assan ( the first Camp ) was not so crowded.We saw 138 patients.The dentist and ophthalmologist work the hardest

Dr Shue ( far right ), myself behind Dr Chow, and Dr Chow with skin consult.We were all working hard. 10am – 1pm and 4 pm-8 pm.The eye finished at 9 pm.

Station one. After consult, going down the stairs to go home. The mighty Rajang in the fore ground. It will soon flood up to cover the green grasses.

Ms Ho Bee Lan, setting up the registration table, outside the Church ( station 1 ).

I am not sure what is on the board.Dr Ng seems happy, and why not? Lucky him.

The backbone of the Impian Sarawak team.YB Tony, YB Oscar, YB Chong and the DAP staff accompanying

More pics for the album.

Gosh, when did they take so many pics? I though that they were working hard. Must be the end of morning session.


He shares the dream. Impian Sarawak

Steven, watch for the crocs? We did not see any crocs.In front of Station one.

The sky is getting dark.Patient just coming to Camp

The sky is dark. I am not sure where this is. Looks like way to long house away from Camp.

Looks like morning break. Outside station 2.

End of morning session on 19th Jan. Group photo before we board bus to go for nice lunch.

Group Photo.I was worried whether the old planks on the jetty could hold all these brave people. It did.

The mighty Rajang has flowed into the Church compound.It was high tide and the water camp up.We had to carry a rather sick and weak lady to the car to get her to Sibu Hospital urgently.

The mighty Rajang and the Church compound are confluent. The flood water has reached us, rain and high tide.

Giving out free tooth brush, donated by HERO.This is the Pharmacy.Dr Tan GM is in Charge

In the evening after the rain, and at high tide.The mighty Rajang cam to meet us

Patients waiting for registration.The water is rising. The locals were unmoved. They have seen this before.

On the way home. Their long houses are in front and the Camp site is behind them

Dr Teh, photographer must have been visiting. I have not seen this long house before.

Dr Chow admiring the flood waters. Kar Lye and another DAP volunteer with them

Dinner at the Long House after a hard day’s work.There were generous amount of food, tuak and speeches.It was fun. The locals were hospitable.I worry for them after we are gone.

We eat sitting and some with fingers. The food was local and delicious.A lot of fellowship.

DAP young volunteers with Kit, Steven, Tang, Low, Tan.We had a good time after work.

YB Oscar spoke first.

The I replied, to thank the Ketua Rumah and also DAP

Thank Steven spoke on behalf of FPMPAM-CARE

D Tajudin sharing his relief work in flood stricken Kelantan

The needs in Kelantan according to Dr Tajudin

YB Oscar, helping the Tiger of Gelang Petah to get to his feet to address us. YB Kit is 74 yrs

YB Kit spoke.He also announced Impian Kelantan and recruited Dr Tajudin to help.

YB Tony spokeHe had the last word.Then we left for Paramount Hotel