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By Adam Padilla

What are Antimicrobials?

Antimicrobial: agent that kills/inhibits


Examples of natural forms:




-Olive Leaf Extract


What are Antibiotics?

Medicine (penicillin) that inhibits/destroys


When do we use these?


Are they safe?

Specific Cases?

30million Americans struggle with SIBO.

IBS affects 10/15% U.S. population.

Crohn’s Disease.

Fungal/Bacterial related infections.

Worst part about these cases?

Why are Natural Antimicrobials Good? Provide essential/non-essential nutrients to body.

Do not harm body.

Cheap and easy to find.

Provide many additional benefits.

No doctors to go through.

Why are Antibiotics Bad for IG Related Issues? Many can cause reverse effects.

They kill everything good/bad.

Literally destroy your immune system.

You’ll be susceptible to anything.

Expensive and have nasty side-effects.

What is a Example of a Case? SIBO:

Small Intestinal Bowl Overgrowth

Symptoms: Everything literally

How do you get this?

How is it treated by doctors?

How I treat it?

Oregano = Antimicrobial

100g of Oregano Herb provides:

Dietary fiber- 107% (Percent of RDA) (RDA-

Recommended daily allowance).

-Folates- 69%

-Pyridoxine- 93%

-Vitamin-C- 83%


-Vitamin-K- 518%

-Iron- 550%


-Carotene-ß- 4112 µg

More Oregano

How are Antimicrobials Already in Your Life? Sushi contains antimicrobials.

Soap is a…?

What are the hints of flavor we add to food?

Just for human benefit?

How Should We Handle Bacteria? Stop eating sugar.

Eat more fiber.

Avoid deli’s and exposed food.

Avoid certain man made medicines.

Do your own research.