Sport Minds Workshop - Join In


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Join In puts more volunteers into sport in order to create happier, healthier, more active communities

Role of volunteering in sport


“I think that participation in sport is incredibly important, but the only way to get people doing it is to have an absolutely solid group of volunteers helping to run grassroots

sport” Tracey Crouch MP

Wellbeing  benefits  of  volunteering  in  sport  are  poten3ally  twice  that  of  par3cipa3on  

•  To  get  the  full  benefit  of  sport  -­‐  you  need  to  volunteer  

•  Players  who  played  AND  volunteered  had  higher  wellbeing  scores  than  those  who  just  played  

•  Increasingly  the  wellbeing  benefits  of  volunteering  in  sport  are  being  seen  as  a  relevant  outcome  in  itself  

•  Within  any  Mental  Health  Charter  for  Sport  there  is  a  clear,  relevant  and  significant  role  for  volunteering  

Don’t  just  take  our  word  for  it:  Five  Ways  to  Wellbeing  

Connect with people around you Give volunteer, join a community group Be Active go for a walk or run Keep learning try something new Take notice be aware of the world around

Volunters are SELFISH – emphasise what’s in it for them.

-  makes you happier -  easy, local -  Incentives (cup of tea, food, food, food) -  NOT what you need, when and why

Say Thank you

-  Simple, easy, effective Tone of voice

-  vernacular, everyday, fun -  lend a hand, help out -  aspirational

The messenger – use ‘people like me’

-  using photos of real people

Towards  an  ac3on  plan:  top  3ps  to  mo3vate,  retain  and  recruit  volunteers  

Dedicated communication on the benefits of volunteering as well as participation – you don’t gave to be a player! Join In research and case studies may be useful for your website and in your comms? Ambassadors – most sports have good examples Fans and spectators

-  Join In website can match you to volunteering -  Simple call to action available to all

The messenger – use ‘people like me’

-  using photos of real people

How  can  this  be  used  in  your  organisa3ons  Mental  Health  Charter  ac3on  plan?  

•  Send Mind your action plans

•  Send Mind your case studies

What next?

•  World Mental Health Day – 10 October 2015

•  Time to Talk Day – Feb 2016 •  Charter one-year anniversary – March

