Story of Cian: Child birth with support


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Birth Story of Cian

A beautiful home birth

is photographed by

Monet Nicole Moutrie

email: OR

phone: 719-360-1125

Presented by Oratechsolve Inc. email:

Monet Moutrie photographs birth throughout Colorado and

aims to capture one of the most beautiful days of your life.

You can view her work at

She documents your birth quietly and unobtrusively. She

captures the raw strength and emotion of labor, delivery,

and the first few hours of your little one's life. She serves

the Colorado Springs, Denver, and Boulder regions. She

has experience working in hospitals, birth centres, and


Contact Monet Moutrie at

About photographer

This story is narrated by mother and

published in Birth Mark on January 14, 2015.

I was 37 weeks on 4th January 2015.

I spent time with playing Sabryn in the afternoon.

The surges started 3 minutes apart lasting a minute or so in the


Midwife examined me. Surges did continue but started to die down.

At 11pm, I was at 5cm and 50% effaced, tired. I decided to get some sleep.

Shortly after 1:15am, the surges started to pick up.

Brad was comforting me.

I was 100% effaced and still at 5cm

Midwife Jessica told me I had tough, bulging sack.

Midwife Jessica asked our opinion about breaking water sack.

Suddenly I felt more pressure and their intensity grew rapidly.

Brad was holding me through the intense surges.

I vocalized “I can do this. I can do this.” No denial, no fighting.

I focused on keeping my tones low and open.

Brad got into the pool to support me through the pushing.

I focused on the actual act of bringing my baby down and out into the world.

My baby crowned.

I couldn’t see a thing as I was on all fours.

I felt him squirming around a lot. It was a break between surges.

Finally the last surge came and out came my baby.

It was the longest break for him trying to birth the rest of himself.

I turned around to be met with the hands of my husband and midwife.

My perfect little baby born at 5lbs. 11oz and 20.25” after only 20ish minutes of pushing.

I fell in love. with my new son, with my husband, with birth, with motherhood.

Soon, it was for Cian to be get checked out and for Brad to cut the cord.

Oh my baby!” I repeated a few times as he was placed into my arms.

Sabryn woke up when she heard her mama working so hard.


Happy family

of four!

We stayed in the pool, bonding and taking it all in, while we waited for the placenta to be born.

The placenta was born....It was a seriously beautiful placenta.

Brad took Cian and the placenta into bed.

Cian wouldn’t latch for a couple hours but once he did, it was great natural latch.

Big Thank you to all

who supported me

throughout the pregnancy

• Few voices that gave me encouragement.

• Lifted me up instead of feeding my fears and self-doubts.

• My husband had been an incredible source of support.

• I rested, ate well and welcomed the hormonal shift rather than fighting.

• We are extremely fortunate to have many friends who prepare us meals and

took care of Sabryn on our first day with Cian.
