Temperaments and Quality Healthcare Delivery



Our temperaments affects our relationship with others. Understanding our temperaments and by extension that of other will improve our lives and that those we come in contact with daily. In health care delivery, this cannot be over-emphasized - because these set of clients need healthcare professionals assistance and understanding to a very large extent outside their professional capabilities. Furthermore, in general this is applicable to everyone in order to improve themselves and their interaction with others.

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• Know yourself – basic knowledge of the 4 temperaments.

• Improve your relationship with others (patients/enrolee) – understand and appreciate individual differences.

• Understand the importance of applying this knowledge in patient/enrolee management.

• Ultimately, be better equipped for quality healthcare delivery.

Socrates - “Know yourself.” – self improvement – it starts from here.

One of the most reliable means of learning to know oneself is the study of the temperaments.

If one is cognizant of his temperament and is able to discern the temperament of others, he can better understand and assist them.

Temperaments is basically a persons natural pattern of behavior.

It is in-born rather than learned.

Therefore, it remains constant throughout our lifetime.

Personality on the other hand - is learned (formed by infleunce from factors such as life experience, culture, education, and upbringing)

Temperaments + Personality = Character

Strengths – generally talented, Logical, Analytical, Cautious, Loyal, Rational, Committed.

Weaknesses – Perfectionist, Slow And Private

Suitable Profession – Authors, Inventors And Doctors.

Albert Einstein

Strengths – Peace-loving, even-tempered, consistent, easy-going, contented, dependable.

Weaknesses – resist change, stubborn and defensive.

Suitable Profession – Humanitarians, Diplomats, Teachers.

Mother Theresa

Strengths – Independent, practical, approachable, lively, interesting.

Weaknesses – impulsive, unreliable and forgetful.

Suitable Profession – Entertainment, Evangelism and Sales.


Strengths – Fearless, Enthusiastic, Inspirational, Strong-willed, Action-oriented.

Weaknesses – Impulsive, Unreliable and Forgetful.

Suitable Profession – Engineers, Politics and managers.

Barrack Obama

Each temperament has unique qualities, strengths, and


None is better than the other!

dr. David kersey presents a useful system in please understand me (1998).

Each temperament has unique qualities, strengths, and


None is better than the other!

dr. David kersey presents a useful system in please understand me (1998).

Human beings are complex and cannot be put in boxes.

If temperaments are inherited, then it is certainly possible to inherit a blend of temperaments and observe a mix of traits.

This is where temperament tests can be useful to better identify the our dominant temperament(s) of the mix.

knowing your temperament blend can be an "eye-opening" experience. It help explain why you do certain things and others too.

This knowledge then guides you daily in relating and communicating with others (patients).

Learning how to spot the temperament of others is invaluable.

It takes practice but once you can spot a choleric you know not to try and be "chatty" with them. (action-oriented).

If you spot a phlegmatic you may understand why they seem quiet and reserved (introverts).

Temperament suggests how likely a person is to keep taking a prescribed medicine. Knowledge of a persons energy level can also suggest how long they will take to recover or how to ask/get/pass on information to them.

Knowing our temperaments enables us Feed the strengths and starve the weaknesses, since it cannot be changed. (self improvement)

And a good understanding of how our temperament impacts other types of individuals especially patients who need our care and attention enables us adapt accordingly and deliver quality healthcare for all .

Again, the phlegmatic will be calm, quiet and easygoing.

The melancholy will be precise, analytical and critical in conversation.

A sanguine will always be the most verbal and will often be very lively and practical.

The choleric will be straightforward, even abrupt and most easily angered.

Melancholy – Take time to explain in detail and empathize greatly along the line. ( remember they are usually Emotional)

Phlegmatic – let them know how important it is to be compliant and show calm strength. ( remember they can be

quite resistant and stubborn)

Understanding and applying the knowledge of Temperaments will better equip us, as we continue to strive towards quality healthcare

for all.