The lazy keto diet is a less restrictive variation on the keto diet



The lazy keto diet is a less restrictive variation on the keto diet. Someone eating a traditional keto diet would aim to consume macronutrients in the following ratios: 55–60t 30–35% protein 5–10rbohydrate A lazy keto diet only requires someone to limit their carbohydrates to 10% or less of their daily calories. This approach means that a person does not need to track their fat and protein intake. Some people use keto diets to lose weight or reduce their body fat.

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What to know about the lazy keto diet

This article explains what the lazy keto diet is and discusses its benefits and drawbacks.It also explains which foods to eat and avoid on the lazy keto diet and gives an exampleof what to eat in a day.

What is a lazy keto diet?

The lazy keto diet is a less restrictive variation on the keto diet.

Someone eating a traditional keto diet would aim to consume macronutrients in thefollowing ratios:

55–60% fat30–35% protein5–10% carbohydrate

A lazy keto diet only requires someone to limit their carbohydrates to 10% or less of theirdaily calories. This approach means that a person does not need to track their fat andprotein intake.

Some people use keto diets to lose weight or reduce their body fat.

Potential health benefits and drawbacks

According to research, the traditional keto diet may offer benefits for certain healthconditions, including obesity, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes.


People use the keto approach to put their body into a state called ketosis.

Under normal dietary conditions, the body breaks carbohydrates down into glucose,which it uses as its primary source of energy. When a person restricts their carbohydrateintake, the body produces ketone bodies to use for energy instead of glucose.

Ketosis can cause someone to store less energy as fat and utilize fat for fuel, which mayaccount for the effects of the keto diet on weight and metabolism.

While restricting carbohydrate intake is the primary driver of ketosis, relative intakes ofthe other macronutrients matter, too. A person may not get into ketosis if they do notadhere to the traditional keto diet’s macronutrient ratios.

For example, according to a review of studies, limiting protein intake to less than 1 gramper pound of body weight prevents glucose production in the body via gluconeogenesis.A traditional keto diet restricts protein to this level, but the lazy keto diet may not.

If someone eating a lazy keto diet consumes more protein than this, ketosis may nothappen.

However, a low carbohydrate diet can be beneficial for weight loss, diabetes, andcardiovascular risk, even if a person does not enter ketosis.

By requiring people to limit carbohydrates to 10% or less, the lazy keto diet may helpthem avoid heavily refined foods and added sugars.

As a result, this approach could help a person manage their weight or improve theirhealth, depending on their food choices. On the other hand, a low carbohydrate diet thatis lacking in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, lentils, and other sources of dietaryfiber may not promote health. Also, some researchers have reported that lowcarbohydrate diets are not superior to other balanced diets.

Someone eating a lazy keto diet should ensure that they eat enough fruits, vegetables,and dietary fiber, all of which experts list as being important for promoting health.

A 2015 review suggests that this dietary approach is also associated with improveddiversity in gut bacteria. According to the authors, eating a diet high in animal protein andlow in plant-based foods may increase colonic disease risk.

Foods to eat

A lazy keto diet restricts carbohydrate-rich foods. However, some of these foods, such aswhole grains, starchy vegetables, and pulses, are an important part of a healthy diet.

People trying to follow the lazy keto diet should limit carbohydrates to 10% or less of theirdaily calories and focus on nutrient-rich carbohydrates as part of their allowance.

Foods that the lazy keto diet permits include:


meat and poultryfish and seafoodeggsdairy foods, such as Greek yogurt and cheesehealthy oils, such as olive oil and avocado oilnonstarchy vegetables, including leafy greens, broccoli, green beans, zucchini,eggplant, tomatoes, and mushrooms

Healthy carbohydrates to eat as part of the 10% allowance include:

Whole grains: Examples include bread, rice, rye, barley, oats, buckwheat, andquinoa.Pulses: These include garbanzo beans, lentils, peas, kidney beans, black beans,and pinto beans.Starchy vegetables: People can choose from a range of vegetables, includingpotatoes, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, corn, and parsnips.Fruits: Options include blueberries and strawberries or higher carbohydrate fruits,such as bananas, mangoes, and grapes.

Foods to avoid

Someone eating a lazy keto diet should avoid refined carbohydrates and foods withadded sugars. These include:

white pasta, bread, and ricecakes, biscuits, sweets, and pastriesice cream and dessertssugar-sweetened hot and cold drinkspackaged breakfast cereals that contain refined grains or are high in added sugarssnack bars and chocolatealcoholready-made meals high in carbohydrates or added sugarssauces, marinades, and dressings with a high sugar content

Example meal plan

Here is an example of a 1-day meal plan for someone following the lazy keto diet:

Breakfast: scrambled eggs with spinach, tomatoes, and mushroomsLunch: roast salmon with salsa verde and a green saladDinner: chicken breast with broccoli, green beans, and a small baked sweet potato

People who wish to have a dessert after lunch or dinner can opt for a portion of freshblueberries with unsweetened Greek yogurt.

Who should try it?


People who do not want to track all their macronutrients are likely to find the lazy keto dietan easier option than the original keto diet.

The less restrictive approach may also suit those who like to eat out or cook larger mealsfor a family.

However, as the lazy keto diet does not always induce ketosis, it may not promote weightloss as effectively as the traditional keto diet. A person who is not tracking all of theirmacronutrients may also be less likely to create a calorie deficit, which is necessary forweight loss.

In some cases, though, lazy keto might help people reach a calorie deficit by encouragingthem to replace unhealthy higher carbohydrate foods with more nutritious and lowercalorie options.

People should ensure that they consume all the essential nutrients they need for health.Restrictive diets, such as the keto diet and lazy keto diet, can potentially lead to long-termhealth consequences.

In some cases, the keto diet can also lead to symptoms in the short term. These mayinclude nausea, headaches, lightheadedness, constipation, and a reduced tolerance forexercise.

A person can check whether a diet is suitable for them by speaking with a doctor orregistered dietitian.

Checking with a healthcare professional first is particularly important for those takingmedication or living with a health condition, such as diabetes or heart disease.


Lazy keto may be a less restrictive option than a standard keto diet for people who do notwish to track all their foods and macronutrients.

This approach could help someone lower their carbohydrate intake and potentially loseweight.

It is important to note that restricting any food group could lead to nutritional deficiencies.Therefore, people should speak with a healthcare professional before starting a diet,particularly if they have a health condition.

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