Advanced Link Strategy: White Hat Twist on a Black Hat Tool



This Power Digital Marketing tutorial takes you through a refreshing white hat twist on a a notorious black hat tool. Basically, showing you how scrapebox, when used properly, can save time and energy in finding great link targets for your SEO campaigns.

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A New White Hat Twist on a Notorious Black Hat Tool

Advanced Content Marketing Strategy

A White Hat Take on a Black Hat Tool

*3 main areas to focus on…

Google Search Engine Calls & Harvesting

The “Harvester” acts as a search engine and will help find and identify relevant subject matter via Google Search Operators.

Find relevant information using Search operators with “guest post” or “write for us”in parenthesis to find these opportunities. Also identify the subject matter i.e. “Blinds”in this case.

Understanding ProxiesDefined: Proxies are basically differentIP address that can be used to ping serversfrom different locations.

Why this is important:Google has a security feature to lock out users that ping Google multiple times. Pinging Google’s server multiple times in ashort period of time can be a precursor toa cyber attack (hacking).

*We will need proxies to make multiplecalls to Google within seconds to scrap asmany sites as possible for relevant information we are looking for.

Google “Free Proxies” and you can findfree proxies that you can copy and paste into this box .

What happens when you ping Google too much…

…Therefore, use proxies! Otherwise Google will cut you off halfway through your scrap.

Starting a Scrape… Easy as 1,2,3

(1) Start your Harvest=> Here.

(2) After you “Start Harvest”and all the results are returned, click “Check PR”This will return the pageRank and help us in the filtering process later.

(3) When you are donewith the page rank, clickthe Export URL’s Button.Then open up the Excel File.

Dissecting the Data in Excel

Search for quality guestopportunities like this one

N/A Page Rank means“Not in my House!”Delete these rows

*Refine list to exclude undesirableURLs:• Low PR• Off Topic• Social Media• Competitors Sites• Etc.

Filter URL’s by Page Rank (PR)

…A Golden Nugget!

Page Rank 1 PA 24 DA 39 Home Page PR4!!

Wait… It gets better!

Quality controlled guest contribution that is well manicured and vetted quality content.

Just when you thought it could not get better…

Actual content creation guidelines… simply spectacular and straight forward for our copywriter.

The icing on the cake!

Set rules for authorship shows a well policed/manicured blog with standards.

Mind = Blown

So you’re telling me there is


Welcome to Screaming Frog!Sifting through link prospects using Screaming From crawler

Odds are, not all the URLs we scraped will be quality link prospects.Having to put eyes on each URL could be time consuming and not thebest use of your time. Here is how we separate the good from the bad.

1. Start by setting your screaming frog setting to “list mode.”

2. Set-up Custom Filters Configuration > Custom

Setting Custom FiltersUse custom filter option for the crawler to pull keywords outof the URL’s HTML Text to narrow down qualified prospects.

3. Set custom filters that will look for specific phrases within the HTML Text

*Try to stay away from “guest post” or “guest blog” when possible.Not because “Guest Blogging is dead” because you will end up witha load of blogs about guest blogging – which isn’t ideal.

Starting your CrawlAfter your Custom Filters are set, it is time to upload your .CSV file.

4. Load your .CSV file from scrape box, then “Start” crawl

#1 Upload File Here #2 Start Crawl

100% means crawl is complete

Check your “Custom” ResultsAfter your Custom Filters are set, it is time to upload your .CSV file.

4. Go to the custom tab, then export to .CSV

* We narrowed our list from 79 to 24 refined targets. This is now our reach out list “Export”

Buzz Stream Buzz Stream is a powerful tool for finding contact information quickly.

*Within BuzzStream, go into your website’s project and click the ‘Add Websites’ button and select ‘import from existing file’. Then upload your ScreamingFrog file.

After Narrowing your List to Key Targets…Find Intelligence & Strike

1. Start looking for contact information1. Look for contact page on website2. Go to

1. Type in URL to find a contact2. Put target’s contact into spreadsheet3. Read the targets blog and try to research the author

1. Identify what they are writing about and their writing style

2. Stock them on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.1. Consider interests, affiliations, favorite

publications, etc.2. This will help for building repore online

4. Get an email from your client1. It’s better not to send authors requests for guest

authorship through a marketing email i.e. PDMI.5. Create a template email

1. Introduce yourself2. Start with ego stroke, you liked this piece of writing

done previously because…3. Mention you have a few interesting ideas for the

blog.4. Pitch one or two ideas and justify why it would be a

fit for the blog (What is the value).6. Set Next Steps

1. I look forward to your feedback and look forward to speaking with you about the opportunity

You’re Welcome!
