Combining Email Marketing And Facebook For Dynamite Marketing Campaigns


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Combining Email and Facebook for a Dynamite Marketing Campaign

About DirectiveDirective is a comprehensive search marketing agency dedicated to

running the most innovative search campaigns for ROI-driven B2B firms

across a variety of industries.

We provide industry leading SEO, PPC, content marketing, and social

media services. We are fiercely committed to delivering a truly

exceptional service that exceeds your marketing KPIs. @andrewJchoco

Overview • Creating custom and lookalike audiences on Facebook from email

• Best practices for launching email and social campaigns simultaneously

• Results of our own test•Advanced tactics for Facebook campaigns

• Additional strategies for top of funnel social campaigns @andrewJchoco

Other Ways to Create Facebook Audiences

• Phone Number

• First Name

• Last Name

• Zip/Postal Code

• City

• State/Province

• Country

• Date of Birth

• Gender

• Age

Creating Lookalike Audiences @andrewJchoco

Using Custom Audiences to Create Lookalike Audiences

Lookalike Audience Best Practices

• Your source audience must have at least 100 people, but Facebook suggests anywhere from 1,000 - 50,000

• You target lookalike audiences by country, but your lookalike can be from a different country than your source audience

• People in your source audience will be excluded from your lookalike audience.

• You can use multiple lookalike audiences within each ad-set

• Use additional targeting to make your lookalike audiences even more specific @andrewJchoco

Using Custom Audiences to Create Lookalike Audiences

Launching Your Campaign @andrewJchoco

Best Practices for Launching a Simultaneous Campaign

• Make sure timing is aligned

• Email blast first in the AM, start Facebook campaigns early morning

• Send out multiple emails throughout the process (most sales come after 6 - 8 touches)

• Take into account all timezones (separate ad sets or campaigns for each area you’re targeting)

• Budget accordingly

• Use the estimated reach to make sure everyone in your list will see your ad multiple times @andrewJchoco

Building Out Your Actual Ads

• Carousel Ads

• Show off more than one product in a certain category, or show off broader categories as a whole

• Exclusivity or urgency

• i.e. “A special offer for our loyal customers!” @andrewJchoco

Directional Cues Reviews Built in Ads

Building Out Your Actual Ads

Results From Our Test @andrewJchoco

3 Day Sale for Banknotes

Additional Strategies for E-Commerce Campaigns @andrewJchoco

Additional Strategies & Best Practices

• Use Google UTMs and Pixels for more exact tracking and data

• Create lists for current sale buyers

• They could be impulse buyers and can be targeted for future sales

• Segment audiences using your pixel for even more targeted ads

• Combine Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook for even more digital touches @andrewJchoco

Advanced Facebook Tactics for Ecommerce

• Re-target audiences based on Facebook engagement

• Spent time watching video

• Filled out a lead form

• Interacted with a canvas

• Interacted with your page @andrewJchoco

Advanced Facebook Tactics for Ecommerce

• Identify and build out target audience on Facebook

• Create and promote a piece of content written specifically for that audience

• Install tracking pixels

• Build re-targeting lists for Search, Display, Shopping, Youtube, Gmail and other social platforms

Create Content Strictly for the Purpose of Building Re-targeting Lists @andrewJchoco

Utilize GA Data for Audience TargetingAudience > Demographics @andrewJchoco

Utilize GA Data for Audience TargetingAudience > Interests @andrewJchoco

Utilize GA Data for Audience TargetingAudience > Geography @andrewJchoco

Utilize Twitter Data for Audience Targeting @andrewJchoco

Top of Funnel Social Campaigns @andrewJchoco

Targeted Email Blasts to TOFU Leads

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