DrupalGap. How to create native application for mobile devices based on Drupal site - DrupalCamp...

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Рано или поздно каждый сайт нуждается в мобильной версии. Существует несколько способов реализации мобильной версии: адаптивный сайт, нативное приложение для iOS, Android etc. В создании нативного приложения нам поможет отличная платформа под названием DrupalGap. DrupalGap - это платформа позволяющая создавать приложения для iOS и Android при помощи Drupal, PhoneGap, jQueryMobile, без непосредственного программирования на языке платформы.

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25 -27 April, 2014 http://camp2014.drupal.dn.ua


Alexander Schedrov

How to create native application for mobile devices based on Drupal site

Schedrov Alexander sanchiz

Drupal Developer at Trellon

What is DrupalGap?Mobile Application Development Kit for

Drupal Websites

DrupalGap Module is the connection between mobile applications and Drupal



Let's take a look, if it's true!

Support• Themes, modules

• Blocks

• Menus

• Pages

• Entities

• Fields

• Forms

• Views

• Messages

• Services

• Geolocation

• Other tools

• You don't need a Objective-C and Java developers

• For creating modules just need to write primitive JS code

• Need to know how work Services

• Need to know how to create custom Services endpoints and resources

To create powerful mobile application

How does PhoneGap work?

PhoneGap generates HTML, CSS and JavaScript and make application

iOS and Android mobile devices.

Apache Cordova provides access via JavaScript to device

features such as the Camera, GPS, File System, Contacts, Compass, etc.

How mobile application interacts with Drupal Core

Services FTW!!!:)

Drupal site Application

Drupal requirements

services, rest_server, taxonomy, views_datasource, views_json, drupalgap


Development environments Google Chrome and the Ripple Emulator extension


node.js cordova

Java SDK for Android or xCode for iOS

File structure




Debugsettings.js:Drupal.settings.debug = true;

Logs in browser console:dpm(json_result);


drupalgap_alert(Fatal error', { title: ‘Alert title', buttonName: 'Done', alertCallback: function() {} });

drupalgap_set_message('Oh no!', 'error');

Themedrupalgap.settings.theme = 'amazing'; drupalgap.settings.blocks.amazing = { header: { title: {} }, navigation: { user_menu_anonymous:{ roles:{ value:['anonymous user'], mode:'include' } }, user_menu_authenticated:{ roles:{ value:['authenticated user'], mode:'include' } } }, content: { messages: {}, main: {} }, footer: { } };


<div id="{:drupalgap_page_id:}" data-role="page"> {:header:} {:navigation:} {:content:} {:footer:} </div>

Need to add styles to index.html


Creating module with page callback• core_app (module folder)

• core_app.js (module file)

Drupal.modules.custom['core_app'] = {};


/** * Implements hook_menu(). */ function core_app_menu() { var items = {}; items['homepage'] = { title: 'DCDN Sandbox', page_callback: 'core_app_homepage' }; return items; } !function core_app_homepage() { var content = {}; content['homepage'] = { markup: 'some markup' }; return content; }

Creating Menu

drupalgap.settings.menus['homepage_menu'] = { links:[ {title:'News', path:'news'}, {title:'About', path:'node/1'}, {title:'Contact', path:'contact'}, {title:'Our team', path:'team'} ] };


Important: here might be only real paths, not aliases

Creating Blocks/** * Implements hook_block_info(). */ function core_app_block_info() { var blocks = { latest_news_block: { delta: 'latest_news_block', module: 'core_app' } }; return blocks; } !/** * Implements hook_block_view(). */ function core_app_block_view(delta) { var content = ''; if (delta == 'latest_news_block') { content = '<h2>Latest news</h2>'; content += 'Some content...'; } return content; }

Block visibilitydrupalgap.settings.blocks.amazing = { content: { homepage_menu: { pages:{ value:['homepage'], mode:'include' } }, latest_news_block: { pages:{ value:['homepage'], mode:'exclude' } }, users_block: { pages:{ value:['node/*', 'user/*'], mode:'include' }, roles:{ value:['authenticated user'], mode:'include' } }, }, }; !

Entitynode_load(1, { success: function(node) { } }); !node_save(node_array, { success: function(node) { } }); !node_delete(1, { success: function(node) { } });

By default available pages:

• node/%, node/%/edit

• user/%, user/%/edit

• taxonomy/term/%, taxonomy/term/%/edit

• comment/%, comment/%/edit

Using Views

Need to create page with JSON data document format (views_json module)

Displaying a View in mobile app

function core_team_menu() { var items = {}; items['team'] = { title: 'Our team', page_callback: 'core_team_page' } return items; }

function core_team_page() { var content = {}; content['team'] = { theme: 'view', format: ‘ul', /* ul, ol, table, unformatted_list */ path: 'mobile/team_new', /* the path to the view in Drupal */ row_callback: 'core_team_page_row', empty_callback: 'core_team_page_empty', attributes: { id: 'team-view' } }; return content; } !function core_team_page_row(view, row) { var output = ''; output += '<img class="team-image" src="' + row.field_photo + '">'; output += l(row.title, 'node/' + row.Nid); return output; } !function core_team_page_empty(view) { return 'Sorry, no results.'; }

function core_app_voting_form(form, form_state) { form.elements.name = { type:'textfield', title:'Name', default_value: Drupal.user.name }; form.elements.email = { title:'Email Address', type:'email', required: true, default_value: Drupal.user.mail }; form.elements.categoty = { title:'Category', type:'select', options:{ 0:'Feedback', 1:'Question' }, default_value:0 }; form.elements.comment = { title:'Comment', type:'textarea', }; form.elements.rating = { title:'Rating', type:'radios', required: true, options:{ 0:'0', 1:'+1', }, default_value:3 }; form.elements.submit = { type:'submit', value:'Submit' }; return form; }


/** * Implements hook_menu(). */ function core_app_menu() { var items = {}; items['vote-form'] = { title: 'Voting form', page_callback: 'drupalgap_get_form', page_arguments:['core_app_voting_form'] }; return items; }

/** * Form's validation function (optional). */ function core_app_voting_form_validate(form, form_state) { if (form_state.values.name == '') { drupalgap_form_set_error('name', 'Name is required field.'); } } !/** * Form's submit function. */ function core_app_voting_form_submit(form, form_state) { drupalgap_set_message('Thank you ' + form_state.values.name + '!'); drupalgap_goto('news'); }

Need additional functionality? You got it!1. Create custom services resource in Drupal module


2. Create custom services call in DrupalGap moduleDrupal.services.call(options);

var output = ''; Drupal.services.call({ method: 'POST', path: 'news.json', data: args, success: function(result) { output = ''; $.each(result, function(i, node) { output += node.title; }); } });


Links• http://api.drupalgap.org/

• http://www.drupalgap.org/

• http://www.drupalgap.org/troubleshoot

• http://www.drupalgap.org/node/211

• https://drupal.org/node/2015065




Email: alexander.schedrov@gmail.com

Twitter: @alexschedrov

FB: schedrov
