Google Plus Training


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The Wonders Of Google+ Explained

Vicki HemmingsTillison Consulting

Did you know?

Did you know that Google+ had 1203 million visits per month in 2013?

That’s 400million more than Facebook & 800 million more than Twitter.

Brief History

Google Plus was launched in 2011 to a select group of invitation only


Brief History

Brief History

Originally called Google Circles, it was designed to help you organise your acquaintances into certain

circles in order to better target communication.

Brief History

Demand was so great in the 1st 2 weeks that even in the beta stage it attracted 10million users and within a month they had

25million users.

Brief History

Google Plus underwent many facelifts.

Unlike Jackie, Google+ got better with age

Google Plus Now

Google+ now boast 540 million active users. 300 million of those are what they call ‘in stream’ users, people actively

using G+, the other active users are using G+ linked accounts such as making comments on YouTube.

Google still counts them.


As they continue to change their algorithm and put a greater precedence put on social

interaction they are of course going to value interaction on their platform more greatly than any other, so my advice is…..

Like buying stocks, get in while it’s cheap and reap the rewards when they boom!

How It Works



When connecting with people on Google+ in order to group them, you place them into circles.


People can be placed into more than one circle.

Whilst they are made aware you have placed them in a circle, you won’t be told which one.


The greatest benefit to Google Plus circles is being able to disseminate information to specific groups.

For example, if you are a business who has an offer for new customers only, you can send this offer only to your circle of

new customers without offending the old ones.



Communities act like old school forums….


As an individual they are a place which you can go to discuss things you are interested in.

As a business they have two functions:

1. You can join communities to exchange information about your industry.

2. Or you can join communities to whom your knowledge/service might be of use.


Positioning yourself as an authority (a friendly one) will help grow your audience.

By spreading your knowledge in communities and on your profile will also

grow your audience and in turn make you a greater authority.


It is life the Google Plus circle of life.

Circle Of Life

The Wonders Continued…

We have barely scratched the surface as to the wonders of

Google+, but if we’ve got your attention….

Why not…..

Contact Us

Contact us to discuss our Google Plus training


We run then in house and at a central London location.

More Information:

For more information:

Visit our website: Tillison Consulting

Or contact us via email:

Or on GooglePlus: Tillison Consulting