London Openstack Meetup: Measuring performance: the basics


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Measuring Performance: the basicsby Stack Evolution

2 © Stack Evolution Ltd

Why?I just finished building my IaaS cloud.


Is it any good?

3 © Stack Evolution Ltd

Lots of metrics and measuresSystem monitoringSystem metric graphingLog file analysis

These are focused on the infrastructure, not the tenant workload

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IaaS is a Shared PlatformTunable memory/processor/disk overcommitDynamic workloadsBatch jobsTime of day/month/yearMany variables

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Measuring the tenant workloadsTenant only cares about workload

performanceHow does the disk perform?Is the processor faster or slower?What is performance of a specific Database?How do HPC jobs perform?

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BenchmarksMany standard benchmark tools available:IperfUnixbenchFioSysbench_OLTPAerospikeRedisScimark2HPCC

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Standardise Suite of BenchmarksSelect flavours to directly compare memoryVolumes of standard size (20GB)Network: Internal and ExternalSpecific applications


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Run on multiple platformsCollect data from

Public CloudsPrivate cloud deploymentsStaging/Test Clouds

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CompareNow compare the data to evaluate how good your cloud really is.


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Variability of performance for similar flavours across cloud providers, notice the latency and boot time graphs higher is worse, others higher is better

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Overall Index score for combined benchmarks, notice the variability in providers is as much as 7 times as much performance for the same flavour size

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Mimicking real world workloads: Database and Logging and measuring disk performance using a 20GB Volume of a standard type

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A High Performance Computing Benchmark, then weighted by flavour hourly cost and finally weighted by Volume monthly cost (for 20GB Volume).

Notice how much the graphs change once you add in pricing information to the performance data.

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