My ideal school will have


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My ideal school will have...

My ideal school will have 10 students (5 boys and 5 girls) and 2 teacher

We'll study traditional subject or alternative subject?

I'll study Chemistry, maths, italian, science, biology, history, geography ecc

The school will have...

The school will have a computers in every class, a sport centre, a LIM... All will be command by computers or robots: The bell will sound Automatically, the school will be closed with laser and padlocks ecc.

In our school, robots will...

Inour school, robots will sound the bell, do a lesson, clean a bathroom

School will start... and it'll finish...

School will start at nine o'clock (9:00) and finish at thirteen o'clock (13:00)

We will/won't have homework because...

We won't have homework because we'll work at school in specifist's program.