Pinterest algorithm change February 1, 2016: What You Need to Know

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The Pinterest Algorithm Change February 1st, 2016

What you need to know

Did your Pinterest traffic take a nosedive?


On February 1, 2016, Pinterest changed a thing or two


They haven’t officially said they’ve updated their algorithm

! But we’ve seen a number of bloggers complain that things aren’t quite what they used to be.

Want to ramp up your Pinterest game? Download these five Pinterest tips that’ll help you step up your game in no time at all.

Seemingly overnight, bloggers lost 25-50%

of their Pinterest referral traffic. Why?

Pinterest wants quality content.

(and it’s their playground)

…a better user experience for

their audience…

Group boards with little to no engagement were hit the


So, what are we supposed to do?

If you own a group board,

make sure there’s engagement

How to increase engagement on your group board

Like/Pin/Follow the members of the board and

encourage others to do so as well

Repin the same pin (not just the same

post) on all relevant boards.

Increase engagement on your own content

You want this number to



(You know, the ugly ones you created when you were first starting out)

Delete the pins that no longer represent your brand

Follow the 80/20 rule

Just like real life, Pinterest does not want to hear you talk about

yourself all the time. So, for every post of yours that you pin, pin at least five other pins from content

that you did not create.

Spend 15 minutes a day liking pins, pinning pins, and following winners.

Pinterest rewards engagement.

Remember: this is Pinterest’s sandbox

It’s easy to get frustrated with a social network that changes the rules. But let

this serve as a reminder: Pinterest is allowed to change the rules as often as

they want.

Want to learn how to make Pinterest work for your website?

Download the Ultimate Guide to Using Pinterest to Drive Traffic to Your Blog. This PDF contains 57 (!!!) ways to utilize Pinterest to drive traffic to your website.

� kathleen@forprofitblogging.com

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