Traversing Search Results


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TraversingSearch Resultswith Sessions + Transients

Tammy HartWeb Designer + Developerat UpTrending



1. Temporarily store search results

2. Navigate search results with next and previous post links

You will need:

• WordPress site with several posts

• WP Session Manager Plugin by Eric Mann

1 2 3




? =

loopconf_search_array( $search_hash )=

array( 2, 4, 8, 9, 11 )

/** * Return search array */function loopconf_search_array( $search_hash ) { // check for existence of unique transient if ( false === ( $search_array = get_transient( 'loopconf_search_' . $search_hash ) ) ) { global $wpdb; $posts = $wpdb->get_results( $GLOBALS['wp_query']->request );

$search_array = array();

if ( false === empty( $posts ) ) { foreach ( $posts as $post ) { $search_array[] = $post->ID; } } // save the transient for 10 minutes set_transient( 'loopconf_search_' . $search_hash, $search_array, MINUTE_IN_SECONDS * 10 ); } return $search_array;}


unique string

posts array


$wp_session['search_string'] = 'cats'

$wp_session['search_hash'] = 'lkmvdsoi939ks0fdm...'

$wp_session['search_array'] = array( 2, 4, 8, 9, 11 )

/** * Set session search_string */function loopconf_set_search_string() { global $wp_query; $wp_session = WP_Session::get_instance(); // if we’re on a search page, save the search data if ( !is_admin() && is_search() && isset( $wp_query->query_vars_hash ) ) { $search_string = $wp_query->query['s']; $search_hash = $wp_query->query_vars_hash; $wp_session['search_string'] = $search_string; $wp_session['search_hash'] = $search_hash; $wp_session['search_array'] = loopconf_search_array( $search_hash ); } // if we’re anywhere else, clear the search data if ( !is_admin() && !is_search() && !is_single() && is_main_query() ) { $wp_session['search_string'] = $wp_session['search_hash'] = $wp_session['search_array'] = null; }}add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'loopconf_set_search_string' );

Post 4 Post 9

Post 8WordPress ipsum dolor sit amet install brecker basie multisite coltrane wordcamp ella westi. foundation mike parker

multisite nacin wp-cli monk gershwin customizer plugin. gpl mark vaultpress boren database �lter westi upgrade mike

chat strayhorn api. theme dexter baker api wp-cli action automattic jaquith parker premium oscar brecker tyner.

Donncha green plugin gershwin customizer tyner multisite buddypress helen duke database bbpress carmen blog. Mike

green carmen westi jaquith, akismet matt buddypress tyner plugin getz stitt duke. Nacin smith api tyner ozz language.

Monk boren cache, post api green reinhardt transient. Smith boren b2, api cache getz mullenweg WordPress. Davis tyner

carmen buddypress, mike chat smith api theme meetup mingus install stitt. Boren jones basie, chat otto bbpress �lter


Dexter wordcamp jazz plugin davis oscar. Akismet mike jen customizer website green. Donncha jen haiku blog website,

oscar andrew. Westi premium boren oscar, baker mike basie wordcamp upgrade language jen gpl ella dexter.

if ( $go_forward ) { return 9 }

else { return 4 }

/** * Get the next or previous post in the array */function loopconf_get_next_search_result( $next = true ) { $wp_session = WP_Session::get_instance(); // make sure there’s a search saved in the session if ( isset( $wp_session['search_array'] ) === false ) { return false; } // set variables $next_key = 0;

$search_array = $wp_session['search_array']->toArray(); $current_key = array_search( get_the_ID(), $search_array );



// get next or previous location in the array if ( $next === true ) {

$next_key = $current_key + 1; if ( isset( $search_array[$next_key] ) === false ) { $next_key = 0; }

} else {

$next_key = $current_key - 1; if ( isset( $search_array[$next_key] ) === false ) { end( $search_array ); $next_key = key( $search_array ); }

} // return value from that location return $search_array[$next_key];}

<?php$prev_url = $next_url = false;

// get next and prev search results or just the linksif ( loopconf_get_next_search_result() ) { $wp_session = WP_Session::get_instance(); $prev_url = get_permalink( loopconf_get_next_search_result( false ) ); $next_url = get_permalink( loopconf_get_next_search_result() );

} else {

$prev_url = get_previous_post(); $next_url = get_next_post();


<div class="single-nav">

<a href="<?php echo esc_url( $prev_url ); ?>" class="prev">Previous</a>

<a href="<?php echo esc_url( $next_url ); ?>" class="next">Next</a>


Live example:


@uptrending / @tammyhart
