How to learn love and respect my parents,famyly and friends


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How to learn Love and respect my parents in my

family and friendsIntegrantes:

Ana Kojira

Juliette Delgado

Mariana Vergara

Nicole Acosta

Raiza Martínez

How to learn love and respect my parents

It is a sad reality that today's families are so saturated with work, school and many other activities that no longer have time to talk, much less live love to shop. First one as a child has to have patience and awareness of the actions of parents and think how they feel to scold, criticize, persuade etc. Because honestly the only thing they want is for us to learn from our mistakes and also to recognize and be better than them every day.

How to learn love and respect my parents

We must learn and know that they make every effort for us to have bread for every day and they do it for love and that's enough. We must recognize our mistakes as humans like them, because love is based on respect for each other in this case the children.

¿How to learn love and respect in my family?

To respect the family and learn to love one must first love yourself and your family try to trust you as your in it as well with the same respect and love if you respect them and show your love for your family , just going to get them.

How to learn love and respect my friends

Respect for friends is essential for a good friendship, each person has different ways of thinking and acting and we must accept them. The love we have for our friends help us to guide them in the right direction, to give good advice to be in the moments need us. Friends are so important in our lives and we need to value them.


We learned about that is to try to respect others and each has value in our lives and love them as they are, also when some of them try to guide us in the right direction but we are fools not to listen and think they do not understand us and ultimately they are the most like us.
