IR Smartt - 2012 Service Outline



IR Smartt has simplified our service mix during 2012. We now offer four key services; online branding, business intelligence, social engagement and content strategy. All of our Social Media campaign include elements of all three of these services.

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Social Media for Investor Relations

IR Smartt Inc.

“We believe that every public company should have the power to create and manage an engaged audience of online stakeholders.”

- Tim Howard, President / CEO

IR Smartt Inc.

Social Media Benefits

Ensure brand


Engage with


Create conversations

Manage your reputation



Provide skills and training

Translate digital


Understand social metrics

Our Services

IR Smartt seeks to make a real difference to

the way public companies communicate

with their stakeholders by providing them:

Online Branding

Social Engagement

Business Intelligence

Content Strategy

Online Branding

Online Branding

With 10 years of web design experience, our team creates clean, dynamic environments across multiple online platforms including:

Social Media Channels

Executive Profiles

Websites and Investor Centers

Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence

Our business intelligence covers all aspects of online monitoring and maximizes access to data that affects your company, including:

Competition Monitoring

Campaign Reporting

Real-Time Social Alerts

Social Engagement

Social Engagement

We comb the web for opportunities to engage with the public while training your IR reps to:

Monitor the social landscape

Identify Social Media influencers

Engage shareholders in real-time

Become social thought leaders

Content Strategy

Content Strategy

We take over from traditional PR, re-working company news for Social Media audiences to share. We assist public companies with:

Scripting and editing multi-media

Using content to capture IR leads

Creating digital media packages

Plans, Pricing and FAQ

Our campaigns can be customized to suit the unique needs of any public company.

Pricing usually depends on the company’s size, scope and involvement in the campaign.

For an overview of our Plans, Pricing and FAQ, please feel free to visit our website’s FAQ page.
