Problems in not getting funding


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Problems in Not Getting Funding DR.MAHER AL-SAIFI Financial. Funding. Investment.

Posted on February 24, 2015

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From: Dr. Maher Al-saifi Thank you for reaching out to me and the most valuable interest


Dear professionals, Ladies and Gentlemen

I hope you are all in the best case

It will be a pleasure to share with you my Problems In Not Getting Funding

I have a special offer for those wishing only

Presentation regarding possible to find

(Motorized deal prospects joint cooperation between us)


Dear professionals, Ladies and Gentlemen Dear Readers.

I apologies to some of you for the late reply on your emails and to my readers for the late updating of

my blog. This is because, as always ~ we as a group people, have lots of things to do in dealing with our

existing clients. We also have to coordinate/communicate and with our genuine prospects so that

closures can be concluded in accordance to proper banking protocols, funding procedures and clauses &

contract processes etc.

Moving forward ~ as we all know, all of us have problems in life. Similarly when you have problems,

don’t worry ~ because with that difficulty; there will be ease if you make an effort to change it.

However a person will never know what ease is all about ~ unless he/she have been through hardship,

been through difficulty and circumstances forces him/her to change; and subsequently feel it.

There are those who have successful business but yet sometimes they are worried and depressed because they didn’t know what it's like to be in difficulties, how it feels to have suffered a little bit or

when they are faced with calamities. To those who had suffered slightly or those who had gone through

many hardships, it's just a blessing.

It is because when there is a little bit of ease, they will be able to value & cherish it. They will feel it in

their heart. Having said let me explain. A simple example. Let's say you are a super-rich individual who were chauffeured inside a big Rolls-

Royce since young, and that you never know what it’s like to ride a bicycle to school, to grocery store

or to work when you gets older. But unforeseen event can make you realize the reality of life. First, let’s

say suddenly you’re sick and doctors tell you ~ that you will die unless you pedal or cycle a bicycle

regularly daily. Immediately the car will be given up. Why? Because

Posted on February 24, 2015

DR.MAHER AL-SAIFI first certified counselor in the establishment and development of business and projects the (commercial -

industrial - A Service) whether new or troubled ideas and introduce new solutions in the Arab market 25 years of experience in

knowing the possibility of the ability to complete management in the practical implementation of projects and not just theoretical

part, holds a qualified High in this specialty

you will be worried about your dear life. That’s why.! Or if you are a person who is a heavy-smoker and doctors tell you that you

will die unless you stop smoking. You can replace it with chewing gum or nibbling carrot as substitute. What do you think you will

do.? Yes you are right. You will do as the doctors say or instructed.! But previously when you were told or given advise not to

smoke because its bad for your health, you will get cancer, heart disease, pneumonia etc ~ you completely ignores it, you don’t

bother to listen, you refuse to believe, you rejected it, you treated it as fake, as lies, as full of nonsense. Its only when you gets into

difficulties, then you realized. You believe it.!

The reality. I received lots of emails from many readers who asked me to give them free money, wanted to borrow money

because they lost to scam..!

Frankly ~ I will NEVER comply and will NOT obliged to such requests. Below is another real case taken from my blog’s


He is not alone but just one of many others who were cheated before him! Not counting many more

people or victims that can be found inside various cyber sites/websites

On personal note. Few weeks ago, an unknown individual or rather a new prospect from my own country made contact with me.

He has been searching for Investor for more than ten (10) years.! Ten long years.! While searching, he was scammed for three (3)

times.! But it seems that he never learn from his past bad experiences. He still ignorant and he refuse to accept the reality & truth,

he still harbors' negative mentality & bad perception. And he concluded that I am fake and he think that my group are all

scammers.! Thus he rejected me outright and he continue searching. What more can I say to advise him, to convince him, to assist

him? I do not discriminate anyone because of race, language, religion, nationality, skin/hair color, country, position, rank,

designation etc. I do not practice favoritism even though he is a citizen of my country, my own fellow countryman. My conclusive

verdict ~ to leave him alone living inside his own cocoon.! I am writing this to share with you, to impart knowledge with you and to

guide you to the right path, the procedures and processes to take for a successful closure. While you are reading my blog for your

benefits ~ I believed he, my own countryman ~ is still searching…Out there..

Dear readers. A lot of advise, care & concern was given, words of wisdom was addressed but yet, there are those individuals who

refuse to listen, stubborn & ignorant. They reject what is real but gladly accept what is fake.! Let’s say an ignorant person got

scammed. Question: Who do you blame ~ the scammer or the ignorant victim.? Most people will immediately condemn, curse &

crucify the scammer. At the sometimes, they will show pity & compassion the ignorant victim. But if you analyses]\

carefully ~ it was the ignorant victim who is at fault for the hardship that befall onto himself. It was his own doing, his own

stupidity that caused him to be scammed.! If he was able to distinguish between real and fake, have knowledge about reality and

cheats ~ the incident won’t happen. It is not the fault of scammers that they are strong. It is because many ignorant victims are very

weak, naive, stubborn & stupid etc, that they were easily cheated, tricked & deceived.

DR.MAHER AL-SAIFI first certified counselor in the establishment and development of business and projects the (commercial -

industrial - A Service) whether new or troubled ideas and introduce new solutions in the Arab market 25 years of experience in

knowing the possibility of the ability to complete management in the practical implementation of projects and not just theoretical

part, holds a qualified High in this specialty

Thus ~ when someone who don’t know how to value true opportunity, reject what is right but

accept what is wrong, treat gold as worthless but treasure shit as priceless, ignored the truth but

believed in lies, failed in listening to advice, reluctant to cherish realistic offers or turn their back

on genuine proposals that was placed in front of their eyes ~ then there is nothing we can do for

them until they face harsh difficulties in their life. By then, it’s too late.

My questions to you: Are all these enough now? Can you stop all these and walk the right path?

How long more are you going to continue going round & round?

Don’t you want to close deal?

Don’t you want to start your project? Again, allow me to explain in simplicity:

Do you want to taste success or are you going to give more excuses? Are you going to continue searching round &

round or are you going to work with someone that you have found? How can you achieve success? How can you

make the one single change to your life? What is it that makes you even consider changing? If things work out

exactly the way you want it to be, what would be the different? What are the advantages & disadvantages of

making the change & not changing? What will happen to your project if you do nothing? What will happen to

you & your family if you have not achieved anything? If a small change is easy for you to do, would you want to make it? What makes it so hard for you to do it? NO money? NO capital? NO bank statement? These are

merely lame childish excuses! A credible & capable businessperson will never give such excuses. If no money ~

A capable person will find solution to get minimum money required

For the project! If no capital ~ a capable person will do whatever it

Takes to build the capital needed! Frankly, if you give these lame

Childish excuses ~ then you are not worthy to be called as a

Businessperson! Truthfully if you cannot get this settled, how can

You run a business or are a businessman?


I will be direct with you. Even if your job title or rank is MD, CEO, President or Chairman ~ but if you give such lame childish

excuses, you’re not willing to do anything, you don’t bother working to obtain any amount of funds but instead begging from others

for 100% free financial contribution, you cannot offer financial solution, you are unable to come up with alternative initial capital,

you failed to produce any startup funds or you failed to generate project’s capital etc ~ then you are a disgrace not worthy to hold

the job designation. Honestly you are not qualified, not suitable and not fit to be the company’s leader. If you cannot solve short-

term issue to obtain initial startup or unable to build up project’s capital, most likely you fail to see the long-term financial prospects

of your project. You let everyone down ~ all the employees, stakeholders, partners etc. If you don't have any one of these people ~

which basically means that your job designation is merely self-proclaimed, self-designated, self-titled by own yourself. Sorry, I

don’t mean to be offensive but that’s the reality. That’s the truth.

We are here to help, to assist you. As long as you follow our advise, you will succeed. But if you refuse, you

ignore, you reject, you not willing, you give excuses, you procrastinate, you do nothing, you continue doing

the wrong things ~ there’s nothing we can do about it.

In my past several postings, I have mentioned that your Business Plan is the key to get funding. There are

those who abide & listen to advise while there are those who ignored. There are those who have problem

complying the requirements while there are those who don’t bother to make an effort to get it done. Some

claimed to have problem but they failed to realize and analyses it from another perspective.

It’s all in their mind, their mentality, their perception, their thinking.

That’s all to it..! Nothing more

My dear valued readers.

I want you to learn,

I want you to gain useful knowledge. With valuable knowledge,

You will be able to proceed.

I want to share with you below email so that you will be able to think wisely, think logically, think practically. You will then learn.

From: Stephen Attipoe <>

To: Dr.MAHER 66 <>

Sent: Thursday, 5 February 2015, 23:23

Subject: Re: Business Plan Is Your Founding's Key


Thank you very much for this essential topic

Kindly let us know if you could assist in writing the Business Plans

for us.?

We look forward to your prompt attention.

Best Regards.

Stephen Amegee


The above individual clearly showed that he is not capable of writing a business plan for

his own project, whereby 18yrs old school students taking business course / study can

easily do a simple business plan as part of their school curriculum subjects / homework.!

Questions: Is this man worst than 18yrs old school students?

Is he dumb stupid as compare to those young school teenagers?

Do you want to do business with him? By asking me to write a business plan for him ~

he is showing his stupidity & dumbness! Who is he asking me to write for him? Am I his

slave? Is he my father? Am I his son?

Since he don’t know how to write a business plan ~

Do you think he can execute a project?

Do you think he is capable of doing global, international business worth 10 million

dollars up to several 100s million dollars? I leave the answer to you. As for me ~ I don’t

waste time with such inexperience uneducated dumb individual.

Period. Thank you.

Think wisely, logically, practically. As for the above, can you imagine ~

(1) I have to do a business plan for other people to be done by me.

(2) A business plan which will be done by me on something that I don’t owned or know

what it is.

(3) The business plan that was done by me, I will then emailed it back to myself, using

my own email.

(4) The business plan that was done by me, I will then open my email & read the business

plan that was done by me.

(5) The business plan that was done by me, I will then review it and analyses by my team

members & me.

(6) My team members & me will then give comment on the business plan that was done

by me, vetted by me, read by me, reviewed by me that was sent by me to my own email.

Thus, it’s whether YOU WANT TO DO or you are simply


(7)The business plan that was done by me which is inside my own email, I will then

propose suitable funding to the business plan that was done by me.

(8) I will then return the business plan that was done by me including the funding that

was offered by me & my team to the business plan which was done by me.

(9) I will then email it back to myself and to ensure it is inside my own email because the

business plan was done by me.

(10) The business plan that was done by me, which was reviewed by me, offered funding

by me to the business plan done by me & I will forward the business plan that was done

by me to him

(11) Enough said.! Hope you now have learnt more in depth about Stephen’s stupidity as

a clown.

Before I end this message,

if you have project that requires funding and that you are seeking for Investor, please

submit your comprehensive Business Plan for us to review. Our minimum amount for

project funding is Ten (10) Million US / Euro Dollars.

“You started the journey with your inquiry and I have responded to you accordingly. If

you ever stop believing that you can succeed, than you will fail the challenge even before

you started it. So start to motivate your inner-self before the starting line at the race.

Once you start running, please do everything possible so that each stride that you take

one after another, will ensure you reach your legacy eventually. Only then you will be the

winner. The Champion”

You can email your business plan to me:


I would like to hear from you. Email your views / inquiries to:


