Trabajo semana santa inglés


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Holy Week in Seville

Juan Manuel Jiménez FigueroaAlejandro Ojeda SainzRamón Figueroa

The Holy Week in Seville is the most important feast of the city during the year. Lasts from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, and during that week, 60 hermandades made their station of penitence in the form of a procession to the Cathedral. The hermandades are active during the year because celebrate cults at their images.

The Pasos

The paso is formed for images of wood what represent differents scenes of passion of Jesus Christ. Each hermandad, has got two pasos except some having three or only one. The first paso has got a image of Christ and the second has got a image of Virgin, what in Seville it is called "Dolorosa".

Paso of Mistery

Paso of the Christ

Paso of the Palio (Virgin)

The Nazarenos

The nazarenos are the brothers accompany to the pasos during the station of penitence. Each hermandad has got a different tunic of nazareno. The nazareno wearing a tunic, antifaz, capirote, cingulo or esparto and depends of the hermandad, wearing a layer. In their hands lead a cirio or a vara.

The Costaleros

The costalero is a man what leads about his neck the weight of the paso. The costalero wearing a costal in his head what protects the neck when leads the weight.In a paso of a christ there are approximately 40 costaleros and in a paso de palio 30 or 35 costaleros.

The Music

Behind of the paso are the band that will perform marches dedicated to images.In the paso of Christ, are bands with drums and trumpets and in the paso of the palio are bands of music.
