HubSpot GDRoadshow Presentation: Building a Culture People Love


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Building a Company People Love:

Why Culture Matters

Katie Burke

Yet somehow most corporate rule books look

something like this:

What Culture Isn’t:

Wall Posters Corporate Governance Perks and Rewards

Culture Is…

• A bar for what’s possible at your company

• A powerful weapon in the war for talent

• A proactive catalyst to help employees make

better decisions

• A promise to your customers

• Collective clarity on what it means to be a part

of your organization

Culture Outpaces Every Other Variable for What Millennials

Prioritize in Choosing an Employer

And yet for most companies…

It’s Time For a Wake-Up Call.

“culture: recruiting

product: marketing.”


Over 1.5 million views on

Your products will change.

Your strategy will shift.

Your culture will determine whether you can hire top talent, how you

respond to market challenges, and how you succeed for the long haul.

Invest accordingly.

Questions? Concerns?

Comments? Critiques?

Know someone awesome who

should work at HubSpot?

Katie Burke

Kburke at hubspot dot com

