Salesforce Is Just More Than CRM



Salesforce has gained popularity because of its versatility in serving all types of business. Salesforce works on cloud, it effectively cuts down on your admin costs and data entry costs. It help in diverting your team’s productive working hours in lead generation and deal closures. Read more about in detail -

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much more

than j us t a CRM


Employee productivity

Enhanced end user


Enhances Query

resolutions and sales follow ups

Empowers employees to

deliver the best

Helps in customer



Salesforce has gained

popularity because of its

versatility in serving all

types of business.

Salesforce helps you in streamlining your business data in an intelligent and intuitive manner.

Salesforce CRM

Evolution of

Business owners have realized

that Salesforce is not a mere CRM



is beyond any



Employee Productivity

Salesforce works on cloud, it effectively cuts down

on your admin costs and data entry costs.

System works on auto updates mode so you need

not deploy a dedicated resource that implements

all the security updates.

Salesforce help in diverting your team’s productive

working hours in lead generation and deal




Enhanced end user experience

Salesforce also enables employees to transparently view all the interactions with the customers, resulting in Effective Customer Relationship Management

Salesforce as a platform allows you to gather support from your customer support team. 

Enhances query resolutions and sales

follow ups

Salesforce as a platform allows you to gather support from

your customer support team. 

Empowers employees to deliver the best

Salesforce has the innate

ability to integrate and

update your business

processes and

customer interactions with

technology to allow your

employees to enhance

overall user experience.

Customers prefer to deal

with a person who

understands their needs

and responds accordingly

and salesforce simply

enables you to do it.

Salesforce analyses customer

interactions and provides

valuable data on sales and

business metrics.  Your

employees can therefore

provide relevant solutions to

customers after analysing

their past interactions with


Helps in customer management

Flexibility of adding your own parameters in salesforce CRM, you have the complete control over the

kind of reports you generate. 

You can view pending cases and define escalation matrix to solve cases that are pending.

Reassignment of pending

cases before they reach the

escalation level also helps

in managing your

customers with ease. 

Controlling the cases before they are escalated can help in maintaining your good will and


Read more on Salesforce:

1. How Salesforce Helps In Getting Higher Sales?

2. Top Ten Checklist For Successful Salesforce Implementation.

3. Intelligentia IT Systems: Paving Way For Salesforce Support Services

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