5 B Reptile Book


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In honor of our Author Visit with David Nieves

November 17, 2009

ColtonSaraKinleyDaniel Bryce Joseph Valorie Maggie Helena John

Ethan Sally Simon Jacqui Ethen Megan ConnerZanePaolaKambri

AAmerican Alligator

Male American alligators can get up to 15 feet long but females can only get 8 feet long.

Is for

It has slit cat like eyes, walks on all four feet, and doesn’t use its claws to attack.

It lives in southeastern United States in swamps, marshes, ponds, lakes, streams and rivers.

American Alligators are carnivores, so it eats fish, snails, crustaceans, birds, and mammals.

Scientific name- alligator mississippiensis means alligator from the Mississippi River. By: Joseph


The Blue Beauty Snake is found in the rainforest of Vietnam in the southeast. The Blue Beauty Snake eats lizards, birds, and rodents.

The Blue Beauty Snake is nonvenomous, slender and can grow up to 9 feet in length. When they hatch their colors are green, black, white, and yellow. But when adults they are blue, gray black, and white. The Blue Beauty Snakes green and yellow slowly change into blue and gray, when it is two years old.




C is for Corn Snake

It’s a red or orange snake with

gentle disposition.


Snakes live

in North


They got their name because they have skin that looks like maize.

Corn Snakes eat chickens and rats.

By Conner

Corn Snakes like overgrown fields to live in.

•The lizard eats ants, beetles and, spiders. The lizard eats some plant material.

Is for Desert Horned Lizard

•The lizard has a distinctive flat-body with one row of fringed scales down their sides.

•The lizard lives in Southern Idaho.

E is for Egyptian Tortoise

By Colton

The Egyptian tortoise is the smallest tortoise in the northern hemisphere. Their color is usually Toory to a pale gold. It has two like triangular shape on its belly, They usually live in the deserts and semi-arid habitats. They eat mostly like fruits and grass. Its real name is the Kleinmann's tortoise.

By Colton

F is for Frilled LizardLooks: The lizard looks like a little reptile lion. It has a frill

around its neck.

Habitats: Some are from Southern New Guinea, as well as in the Kimberly region of Australia and across Northern

Australia. They are also found in tropical to warm tempest forests.

Eats: The lizard eats arthropods, caterpillars, cicadas, ants, termites, spiders, small vertebras, and sometimes other


Fun Facts: 1. Another name for the Frilled Lizard is the Frilled Dragon.

2. When the lizard gets scared sometimes he runs up a tree and uses camoflauge and sometimes he doesn’t.3. The Frilled Lizard hisses, jumps, and puffs up.

G Is for GeckoGeckos have short flat bodies covered with scales. Most geckos grow 4 to 6 inches. They live in deserts, forests, jungles, even people have them as pets. Geckos eat moths, beetles, spiders, and other insects. They are small to average sized lizards. They belong to Gekkonidae. Geckos have no eyelids, they have transparent membranes, and they lick themselves clean.

By: Ethen

H is for HerpetologistHerpetologist study reptiles like snakes, salamanders, frogs, lizards, and crocodiles. You have to have good grades and have to like animals .

Herpetology comes from a Greek word meaning “crawling thing”.

I is for Iguana

It looks like a green scaled reptile.

They eat flowers, leaves, and insects.

Iguanas live in

trees to keep

them cool and

they’re body


Iguanas can grow up to 6 feet in length.

Iguanas can lay as many as 75 eggs!

J is for Jackson’s Chameleon

The Jacksons Chameleon is originally green but can change colors.

The Jackson’s Chameleon lives in Central Africa and lives in trees and bushes.

Interesting Fact!!! The Jackson’s Chameleons horns are to protect their territory not to hurt one another.

It eats flies spiders and other small insects.

Interesting Fact!!!!The Jackson’s Chameleon has a long tongue. That is how it catches its food.

Interesting Fact!!! It can change colors to blend in with its surroundings or hide or to tell if it is cranky or happy.


K is for King Cobra

• The king cobra eats other snakes.• It can kill a human with a single bite. • They live in India.


L is For Leopard GeckoThe Leopard Gecko looks like a frog

from its face. It has spots and it comes in many colors. It lives in the desert. They eat insects, spiders, small mice and even other small lizards.The leopard Gecko will grow to be 11 inches long. The leopard will get sick if itget too hot so it sleeps all day. Leopard Gecko sometimes get sand in their eye they don’t cry instead they lick it with their tongue. The leopard gecko can survive without eating in several months. By Jacqui

The Map Turtle is brown, yellow ,black, and light brown. The map turtle comes from The United States and Canada .

They eat mussel, snails, and insets. They can live from 15-20 years.

N is for David M. NievesDavid is a person who writes reptile books for kids. His home town is in Bellevue, Nebraska. David and his wife live around Kansas City, Missouri. David started his career at the age of 8 when he was caring for a Garter Snake that his brother brought home. When David was in middle school he was sharing facts about reptiles to elementary school in his home town Bellevue, Nebraska.

David speaks to 90 thousand people a year. He has written two books about reptiles. And David has been doing it since he was in middle school.

Information About

Interesting Facts

By Kinley

It has bright green with black mottling spots. It lives in places that are aquatic, inhabiting warm, humid forests, and dense vegetation. It eats crickets, insects, and grubs.

Facts Interesting Facts

They only eat live insects and if it doesn’t put up a fight it won’t eat it. If it eats something by mistake it can’t spit it out. They can live up to 30 years.

O is for Oriental Fire-Bellied Toad

By: Megan

Many species of Poison Dart Frog are dedicated parents. The red and blue poison arrow frog carry their newly hatched tad poles into the canopy. Both males and females frequently engage in disputes over territory. Other poison frogs lay their eggs on the forest, hidden beneath the leaf liter.


The Poison Dart Frog has colorful colors on their skin. These frogs are found in tropical rainforests, including Bolivia, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Brazil, Colombia, Hawaii, and Panama. The Poison Dart Frog eats mostly small insects like beetles and worms.

Interesting Facts

Is for Poison Dart Frog

Information about…


Q is for the Queen Snake

Facts about . . . The Queen snake has peach or yellow stripes and the rest of its body is usually tan or gray. The Queen snake is found in areas that is clean and has a lot of water. They mostly eat crayfish.

Interesting facts . . .

The snake can’t grow more than 25 cm. This snake lays eggs.


R is for


It is tan with black stripes. It lives in the southern U.S. including Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and northern Mexico. It eats lizards and rodents.

Interesting FactsThey are Nocturnal, and they rarely grow 24 inches, and clutches are usually 2 to 8 young.

By: Simon

S is for


By Conner

They live in the forests of Europe. They eat snails, small rodents, and small reptiles.

It’s a lizard without legs.

Sometimes female Sheltopusik

won’t eat for 2 months when

guarding eggs.

They can grow up to 6 feet long

They are the largest non legged reptile in the world.

is for TuataraA tuatara looks like a lizard but its a reptile. They live on islands near New Zealand. Tuataras eat insects, snails, and smaller reptiles. There are only two species remaining. Paleontologists found Tuatara fossils that are 220 million years old. A tuatara is also called a Sphenodon.


By: Ethen

U Is for Ugly Salamander

The Ugly Salamander is a rust color and has slick skin.

The salamander was found in Ecuador, South America

A new species

It eats insects and worms.

They are rare to find



FactsIt has yellow, blue, brown/orange and black body. It lives in trees hidden where the leaves are green. Their diet is crickets, and also mealworms, silkworm, butter worms, wax worms, and super worms.

Interesting factsThey can see two sites in one eye! A chameleon can have about 7 diseases, and can survive all 7. The veiled chameleons are on of about 80 species of old world, also called true chameleons. They are aggressive and brightly colored.

This is a female.

This is a male.

By Maggie

is for Warty Newt

Looks : dark grayish – brown back covered with dark colored spots.

Lives : in the United Kingdom.Eats : babies: tadpoles, worms, and

insects. Adults: other newts, tadpoles, young froglets, etc.Fact : it is 7in long.

Fact: it looks like it has warts.Fact : it is blue.


X is for xenopus Frog

He looks slimy and he is small. He lives in lakes and rivers. He eats insects, fresh water shrimp, fresh water crab and small fish.He is also known as the African Clawed Frog.


Y is for Yellow Mud Turtle

The Yellow Mud Turtle is a small, green, olive, or brownish gray color. They live in parts of Central America. They eat worms, frogs, snails, fish, fairy shrimp, slugs, and leeches.


facts …

They can live up to 15 year. These turtles take care of there young unlike most other turtles. They lay there eggs in the spring.

Information about …


Z is for zebra-Tailed LizardThe zebra tail lizard got its name because when it is threatened they will run swiftly with there toes curled up and its tail raised over their backs exposing there strips. In the summer 2 to 8 eggs are laid in the months of July to November. Females have no blue patches on the back like the males.

The zebra tailed lizard looks like a lizard with a zebra tail and it lives in a open desert with hard-packed soil, scattered vegetation and scatter rock. It eats on insects, such as moths, ant, spiders, bees, smaller lizards and some flowers.

By Maggie

Sources Internet Sources www.redorbit.comwww. wikipedia.com www.nationalgeographic.com www. Google.com

Book Sources World Book Encyclopedia The Encyclopedia of Animal Kingdom World Book Zoo More Reptiles Up Close by David M. Nieves Reptiles Up Close by David M. Nieves