5 Ways the Cards Can Tell You He's Just Not That Into You


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5 Ways

He’s just not that into you

the Cards can tell you...

“He’s Just Not That Into You”This was the title of a 2004 book by Greg

Behrendt, a writer on the show Sex and the City

Lots of people who want tarot readings want to know: is he (or she) really interested, or not?

When you’re wondering about that romantic partner of yours, and why he/she isn’t calling, isn’t following up, and when words aren’t matching actions ...

Cards Can’t Solve Your Problems, But... They can point out for you some potential root

causes, factors, circumstances, and questions to look at regarding your situation.

They can bring issues to light, and often they are truths you already know, but are avoiding or denying.

They can show you if he or she is just not that into you.

What Cards Will Show Me That?I’ve chosen the five that I see most often

Each of these tackles a subtle issue involved when a partnership is more or less one-sided

If you see one of these cards in a reading, or if when you look at these images something “clicks” for you, it might be time to reconsider the balance in your romantic relationship.READY?


1)Heartbreak Hotel: The 3 of Swords This card is nearly always like a blinking neon

sign to the querent, especially when it shows up in the position of “What do I need to know about [insert sketchy romantic partner here]”?

We see a heart being pierced. Your heart is being hurt. This card comes up a lot when there’s another person in the situation: the proverbial “other woman,” or a love triangle (remember, three’s a crowd)

1)Heartbreak Hotel: The 3 of Swords It doesn’t necessarily have to be a third person,

however; it can also represent a situation or a challenge that is tearing a couple apart or standing between them.

It’s a card that confirms that a matter of the heart needs to be clarified.

Needless to say, it traditionally signals betrayal and heartbreak.

2) Winners and Losers: The 5 of Swords Don’t be fooled into thinking this is necessarily a

man. The person taking action in any card could equally be a man or a woman.

This card is about getting manipulated, taken advantage of, or basically coming out of a situation without having anything to show for it.

In the context of a relationship question, it points to a selfishness that can create a serious imbalance in the partnership.

2) Winner and Losers: The 5 of Swords If the 5 of Swords comes up in a spread position

representing the partner, they could even be a smooth talker, a very charming person, but the message of the card is to stay aware, because they are likely to take what they want and need without much regard to how they come by it.

This partner wants to win at any cost, and will even step on feelings to get there.

2) Winner and Losers: The 5 of Swords If the 5 of Swords comes up in a spread position

representing the partner, they could even be a smooth talker, a very charming person, but the message of the card is to stay aware, because they are likely to take what they want and need without much regard to how they come by it.

This partner wants to win at any cost, and will even step on feelings to get there.

3) Getting Away With It: The 7 of Swords We have someone trying to “get away with

something” and for all intents and purposes, at least in this image, he or she seems to be succeeding.

When this relates to a romantic partner, watch out for cheating or some sort of hidden deception, trickery, or trying to pull the wool over your eyes.

3) Getting Away With It: The 7 of Swords This card in a relationship is a signpost telling

you to ask questions if you have doubts, and if your suspicions continue, examine the reasons why you have them, to try to trace whether or not they’re valid.

4) Giving and Taking: The 6 of Pentacles While this can be a nice card of charity or

generosity, when it comes up in a questionable relationship situation, it often refers to an imbalance in the relationship between who’s doing the giving and who’s taking.

When the querent identifies with the beggar getting change, or the other beggar not getting anything, we can ask them about the dynamics of the relationship.

4) Giving and Taking: The 6 of Pentacles Is one partner doing all the giving in the

relationship, and then having to beg for whatever “crumbs” of affection come their way? Do they feel “put down” by their partner, or in a position of inferiority?

Can highlight questions of insecurity regarding money and earning differentials among partners as well, but most often seems to point to codependent-type relationship situations.

5a) Time to Move On: The 6 of Swords This card shows when it’s time to be “moving

on” in the context of sorrowful retreat: perhaps there was an intellectual or rational or mentality conflict that couldn’t be overcome; perhaps there were excessive disagreements and arguments

It’s time to move away from the situation to something new, something better, something more promising.

5b) Time to Move On: The 8 of CupsThis card shows when it’s time to be “moving

on” in the context of having already tried everything else: The 9th cup is missing. Something wasn’t there, and there wasn’t any way to fix it.

You walk away full-well knowing that there was a lot there to build upon, but that it wasn’t enough.

It involves our emotions on a deep level (Cups) because we have to leave behind what we’ve invested our heart in.

Remember … YOU choose your next move These cards highlight the personal responsibility

that we always have in our lives: the ability to choose our actions consciously

Forewarned is forearmed, as they say.

Remember … YOU choose your next move These cards highlight the personal responsibility

that we always have in our lives: the ability to choose our actions consciously

Forewarned is forearmed, as they say.

Cards can help us think things

through, to determine if we

really want what we have.

And if we decide we don’t want what we

have, cards can show us how to gracefully move forward and take what we’ve learned forward

with us.

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