About certification-and-accreditation


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Glenn Livingston, Ph.D.

Certification, Accreditation, and Regulation in the

Coaching Industry

This is a Transcript of a FREE Full Length Audio Which You Can Download Here:


Sharon Livingston, Ph.D.

Glenn and Sharon Livingston have sold over $20,000,000 in consulting and/or coaching

services. Glenn has worked with over 1,000 coaching clients and directly supervised many

coaches and psychotherapists. (And Sharon has worked with over 60,000 people in a group

format!) The Livingston's previous work and theories have also appeared in dozens of major

media like those listed here. And Glenn was raised in a family of over a dozen helping

professionals (psychologists, social workers, counselors, therapists, etc)… it's in his blood!


In Just 12 Weeks You Can Become a Certified Professional Coach, Confident in Your Ability, and Fully Equipped to Grow a

Thriving Practice from Anywhere, or Your Money Back! Because the ICCA certification program was developed by over the course of more than 24 years with literally thousands of clients, we're convinced it will give you MORE skills and confidence to start a successful practice than any other program on the market. By the time you've earned your credentials we know you'll be secure in your ability to work with clients, produce results, and to build a thriving practice... Therefore, if you feel it wasn't the BEST CHOICE for your training and certification for any reason—right up until the last day of class—just show us you've actually completed 75% of the assignments and let us know you'd like your money back. We'll promptly return every penny! Ask any other competitor offering a live, interactive certification program about their guarantee... You'll probably find they require large, non-refundable deposits, and won't refund your tuition after classes begin. Combined with our more-affordable-than-most tuition, financing, and payment plans, we think your choice is clear! For rock solid proof the program works, and how to get started right away please click below now:

www.BecomeARealCoach.com (Additional coach training programs and resources available on "Programs" tab on full site above)


Glenn: Hi, darling. Sharon: Hi, honey. Glenn: Promise I'm not going to scratch my mosquito bites in my head. Sharon: You're so silly. Do you feel like Stewie's interviewing you right

now? Glenn: You know people don't really understand what Stewie is. Sharon: My imaginary friend. Glenn: Stewie is Sharon's dog who is her little Shih Tzu sitting on her

lap, but it could have actually been a real person, you know. Anyway, I was hoping we'd talk just for minute about some common questions we get about certification and accreditation.

Sharon: Okay. Glenn: Okay. Periodically—actually reasonably, frequently—someone

will ask me, "Is certification legally required to practice as a coach? Do I really need to be certified?" I will straight up tell them that they don't need to do that. There's no law that says you need to be certified. There are laws that say that you need to be able to prove competence for any service that you offer to the public.

Sharon: In some states, not in all states? Glenn: I'm not an attorney so you need to check this for yourself, but I

believe in all states. My understanding is that in all states, there are laws that say it's fraud to present a service to the public if you can't prove that you have competence in that service. Getting trained and certified by a credible organization is one way that you can prove that.

Sharon: That you have competence.


Glenn: I prefer that people come to us for competence rather than legal documentation. I really that's what we offer, but that's the answer to the question. That certification is really not legally required by the government at this time, of any government in any country that we've been able to find in the coaching industry. It's not.

[0:01:18.8] Sharon: Which is different than being a psychologist where that is a

licensed… Glenn: That's a licensed and regulated term. Sharon: Yes. Glenn: You'd get in a lot of trouble if you hold yourself out as a

psychologist and you don't have a license or a medical doctor or a psychiatrist or…

Sharon: A lawyer. Glenn: Yeah, social worker. You can get in trouble if you use a

regulated licensed term without having that license. There is no coaching license. It just doesn't exist.

Sharon: Right. Glenn: The other thing about certification is that it's actually pretty rare

that clients ask about it. It helps coaches to feel more secure to have a certificate on their wall, be able to say, "I'm a certified professional coach," and to be able to point to a highly credentialed organization, if anybody happens to ask. I think we're a good organization for that. We've got a fairly large board of people who…

Sharon: Are highly experienced. Glenn: They went to Harvard and Yale and Stanford and Princeton and

those kinds of places so they really are quality assurance and it's


impressive. If you look at our board pages, it's kind of impressive.

Sharon: I'll have to check it out. Glenn: You should. You're on it so you should. So, you should. But

we've had a lot of experience in the corporate world also and we've made a lot of well-known recognized names that are associated with us and people are comfortable with that. I don't think that's the reason to work with us, but some people really want that.

Sharon: It's a nice place to send people to, "Well, where did you get your

certification? Well, check out this organization." Glenn: Coach Certification Academy. Right. [0:02:35.3] Sharon: They've gotten credible credentials. Right. Glenn: Now, the other question we get is, "Are you accredited by the

International Coaching Federation?" and "Are you going to be accredited by the International Coaching Federation?" Although we have nothing against the International Coaching Federation, I tell people that if that's really important to them, they should go someplace else.

Sharon: Right. Glenn: I ask them if they'll give a minute to explain, but we are likely not

going to go down that road. Here's why. There are no government bodies that license the International Coaching Federation or any other coach accreditation. There's no government body that is behind that. They don't derive their power from any government or agency like that. There are no laws that grant them their power. That's the big organization that decided that they were going to put together a set of guidelines and ethics and quality standards for coach training organizations.


They're actually reasonably good. I actually respect them. The reason that we're not going down that road is because we actually have a lot more experience than a lot of the people who would be evaluating us.

Sharon: Right. Glenn: They have a multi-year set of criteria. You have to train with

people who are already evaluated and we've worked with thousands of people. If you look at becomearealcoach.com and you look at our experience and you look at the quality of our board, if the purpose of accreditation is really just quality assurance of the training, we have a pretty large board that's agreed to be responsible for that and to look into what we're doing. So, I think we're covered. I think that if anybody would ever ask would say, "Hey, these guys are covered. They're really doing a good job." But if it's particularly important to you to be associated with the ICF, then this is not the training program for you. Does that make sense?

Sharon: Yes, absolutely. Glenn: I'm going to actually try to make sure that those two points are

really clear before anybody orders. Usually, what they say is, "Oh, no, I'm even more interested in working with you because you really laid it out straight for me and I get some of those points may be against your self-interest," but I don't want anybody who is really obsessed with getting that accreditation. I don’t want them to come through and they'd be mad at us two years later that we don't do it. So, I try to make that clear. Does that make sense?

Sharon: Yes. If the issue is that you want to be trained and be certified by an ethical organization, this probably sounds very self-serving, I know that we deliver a really wonderful product.

Glenn: We do. Okay, then. Sharon: Well, thanks. Glenn: Thanks. [0:04:43.9]


Glenn Livingston, Ph.D.

Certification, Accreditation, and Regulation in the

Coaching Industry

This is a Transcript of a FREE Full Length Audio Which You Can Download Here:


Sharon Livingston, Ph.D.

Glenn and Sharon Livingston have sold over $20,000,000 in consulting and/or coaching

services. Glenn has worked with over 1,000 coaching clients and directly supervised many

coaches and psychotherapists. (And Sharon has worked with over 60,000 people in a group

format!) The Livingston's previous work and theories have also appeared in dozens of major

media like those listed here. And Glenn was raised in a family of over a dozen helping

professionals (psychologists, social workers, counselors, therapists, etc)… it's in his blood!


In Just 12 Weeks You Can Become a Certified Professional Coach, Confident in Your Ability, and Fully Equipped to Grow a

Thriving Practice from Anywhere, or Your Money Back! Because the ICCA certification program was developed by over the course of more than 24 years with literally thousands of clients, we're convinced it will give you MORE skills and confidence to start a successful practice than any other program on the market. By the time you've earned your credentials we know you'll be secure in your ability to work with clients, produce results, and to build a thriving practice... Therefore, if you feel it wasn't the BEST CHOICE for your training and certification for any reason—right up until the last day of class—just show us you've actually completed 75% of the assignments and let us know you'd like your money back. We'll promptly return every penny! Ask any other competitor offering a live, interactive certification program about their guarantee... You'll probably find they require large, non-refundable deposits, and won't refund your tuition after classes begin. Combined with our more-affordable-than-most tuition, financing, and payment plans, we think your choice is clear! For rock solid proof the program works, and how to get started right away please click below now:

www.BecomeARealCoach.com (Additional coach training programs and resources available on "Programs" tab on full site above)



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