Dog obedience training -- Tips for effective training


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Dog Obedience Training

Train Your Dog And Improve

Your Life!

Use Rewards

Unless you are training a police or similar dog, rewards are much better than punishment

You don’t need to reward solely with treats; dogs love praise from their masters and mistresses

Be Consistent

Don’t confuse your dog If you forbid an action one time and

allow it another, your dog will not know what you want

Use the same commands, actions and rewards each time

Be The Authority Figure

Your dog expects to have a leader You need to be that leader You CAN show love and authority at the

same time If you are not the leader, who will be? Be dominant and your dog will not be


Let Your Dog Socialize

A dog is a pack animal It needs a pack – other people AND

other dogs A timid dog will become less shy An aggressive dog will become less

aggressive Let them wander and meet and greet But be close and watch their behavior


If you would like to learn how to train your dog easily and have fun doing it, visit us at:
