Festival questions answered!



Are you going to a festival this year? June is peak festival season so you best get your tickets fast or you’re going to miss out. A lot of people have no idea when it comes to festivals so this blog post is here to help.

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Festival Questions Answered

Are you going to a festival this year? June is peak festival season so you best get your tickets fast or you’re going to miss out. A lot of people have

no idea when it comes to festivals so this presentation is here to help.

I’ll be taking a look at some of the worries that first timers may have and hopefully resolving

them so you have no reason to panic. The most important thing is that everyone at a festival is

really friendly so there’s no need to panic if anyone in your group has never been before. Ask around, chances are someone will be able to help



The chances are you’ll have to travel to go to a festival. Unless you’re extremely lucky to live in the middle of a field on the Isle of Wight! Make sure you book your travel arrangements in advance and all should be okay. Most taxis, coaches and private minibuses will not let on passengers without confirming some details. You’ll have a walk ahead of you once you get to the festival so ensure that you travel with only the essentials.


It’s important to look good at a festival but it’s also important to not completely ruin the clothes you have. A full range of Mens t-shirts, shorts and shoes can be bought cheaply on our website so you can still dress to impress without breaking the bank. You’re going to be stood around most of the day listening to music with the sun beaming down on you so hats are essential, especially if you burn easily.


There are a few things that every festival goer should take. Remember that they can be muddy places and it’s not uncommon for people to throw around cups of god knows what. Make sure all electrics are well protected and avoid taking them if need be. It’s not a sacrifice to take an old Nokia 3210 for 2 days if it means that your £500 Galaxy S5 is safe. It’s also worth noting that baby wipes are a God send. When getting back from the stage you will feel sticky and dirty. It’s usually quite a long walk to the toilets so they really come in handy.


Clothes are the most important thing. If you’re camping it is especially important to take lots of layers of clothes. As previously stated, mens t-shirts are perfect for building up layers during the cold night. You may think that your sleeping bag is enough but if it rains, you’re going to want everything you can get to keep warm.

What is most essential is that you have an amazing time. Festivals are a great

experience and everyone should experience the fun. You’ll have a blast as long as you follow the steps above. Enjoy!