How to Know You Have an Obsession (5 Symptoms)



A few symptoms to confirm that you have an obsession. I Hope you enjoy!

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How to know you have an obsession


Do you ever wonder “Do I

have an obsession?” If

so, read the following pages to

identify the symptoms

and confirm if you have an obsession in

the comments below please.


Symptom #1*This object is always on your mind

*You have trouble falling asleep at night because the thought of it/he/she is bouncing around your head

*Since your mind is filled with this thing; you get distracted easily when its around

Symptom #2

*You stalk it (via the internet, in person, or through other people)

*You constantly need to know new things about it (where it or he/she is at, who their with, etc.)

*When you are not near that person or object, you search for them, and find them no matter what

Symptom #3*You have a feeling that you don’t have a chance with this person or you will never get this object

*Feeling described above only makes you want object or person more

*You would cry if you were ever denied this person/object

Symptom #4

*You would do just about anything to get this person or for this person/object

*when you hear a love song on the radio, the lyrics perfectly explain your feelings toward this person/ object

*You silently pray that you will one day get what your obsessing over

Symptom #5*You lie to many people in order to get what your obsessing over

*You think every time your obsession talks to you or you come in contact with it; that it/he/she is obsessed with you too

*You lose all control over yourself when near your obsession

Thank You!!!

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