How to love your Monday


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Most people hate Monday

You’re having a great weekend and then...

...You have to go back to ‘real life’.

It’s hard to come down from a fun-filled weekend

People put a lot of burden on Monday. They say it’s the day they’ll...

…start that diet…

…start exercising…

…stop smoking…

…call their mother…

“If you really think about it, we have created a monster out of a day of the week, and the

monster is so powerful that it even overpowers our Sundays. So, basically two

of our seven days a week are ruined because of Mondays.”

Matt Emerzian - Every Monday Matters

Get your Monday from this:

To this:

1. Plan your meals for the week

Proper nutrition will help you to maintain high energy levels

throughout the week

Eat healthy even when the week gets hectic

2. Clean your workspace

A clean office is conducive to productivity

3. Set your weekly goals

Goals will help to guide your week

Combine professional and personal goals

4. Share your goals with someone

Positive peer pressure is a

powerful motivator

5. Do something you care about every week

Engage in meaningful activities

Volunteer in your community

Visit a retirement home

Volunteer at a pet shelter

Meaningful activities give you something to feel good about and to

look forward to

6. Set your weekly

Goals are about doing, purpose is about being

Your purpose might be to live more in the present…

…to release your need for

…or to step outside of your comfort zone

Don’t let the monster Monday is believed to be take over it!

Have a fun week!

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Read the original blog post: “How not to hate Mondays”

Photo credits: Bede Jackson, ccJrm Llvr, ccDavid Goehring, ccStaffan Scherz, ccNeal Fowler, cc SuperFantastic, ccMorgan, ccGiuseppe Milo,, ccKenny Louie, ccSodanie Chea, ccTracy Ducasse, ccSam Figueroa, ccLaura Hadden, ccJD Hancock, cc, ccSteve Jurveston, ccelm3r, ccGareth Williams, ccPremnath Thirumalaisamy, ccDaniel Thornton, ccVastateparkstaff, cc usfwsmtnprairie, ccthe U.S. army, cc Lyn Lomasi, ccState Farm, cc Seth Sawyers, cc Nisha A, cc Banalities, cc Thomas Sobek, cc Faramarz Hashemi, cc