How to stay cool in the office on hot days


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How to stay cool in the office on hot days


How to stay cool in the office on hot days


Even though summer has been slightly hit and miss so

far with rainy showers, it has still remained pretty

warm. This is lovely and enjoyable when sat in the

garden; however, it’s not so lovely when you’re at work

sat behind your desk with no aircon!

Read the following tips on how to stay cool in the office

on hot days...

How to stay cool in the office on hot days


It’s natural to want to go outside

and enjoy the sun during your

lunch hour. Why not have you

lunch under the shade though to

stop you over heating?

Try and keep a slow pace if you

do go for a walk at lunch time or

need to run some errands, as by

rushing round you will end up

coming back into the office hot,

flustered and uncomfortable.

How to stay cool in the office on hot days


By keeping the blinds or curtains

at work shut you can protect the

office from the strong sun rays

and heating the office, resulting

in a more comfortable working


Using a reflective film over the

office windows is also a great

idea for keeping away the sun

rays and reducing potential heat

of the office.

How to stay cool in the office on hot days


Whilst in the height of summer

do you really need that light

switch on in the office?

It’s surprising how much heat a

bulb can generate and if your

office has quite a few lights on

this can all add up and increase

the temperature of the room.

How to stay cool in the office on hot days


In the hot weather it’s good to

wear loose fitting clothes. It will

help any air in the office to

circulate around and cool your

body. Avoid tight fitting,

restrictive clothes as these will

contribute to you feeling hot and


A lot of companies relax

business attire rules in the

summer to aid this, especially

with men not having to wear


How to stay cool in the office on hot days


During the hot weather it’s important

to keep fully hydrated. Make sure you

regularly take a trip to the water

cooler. You could also fill up a bottle

which highlights how many glasses

you’re drinking throughout the day to

ensure you’re getting enough water.

If you’re likely to forget to drink during

the day, why not set a reminder on

your phone?

How to stay cool in the office on hot days


Ask you manager if you can

order a desk top fan to cool you

down. Usually a short blast of

cold air for 5 to 10 minutes is

enough to make you

comfortable again.

Another reason for only using

the fan in short blasts is

because often they can be fairly

noisy and if you work in an open

plan office, the noise can

sometimes be distracting for
