Interview with Aaron Sansoni-Coach Me by Cheryl Widlend-Fashion Mentor Online



Interview by Cheryl Widlend-Fashion Mentor Online with Aaron Sansoni-Coach Me about business coaching for Fashion Design and Retail Businesses

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FashionMentorOnlineFirst In Online Mentoring

Trainer, Business Coach and One of Australia’s Leading Sales Expert

Hi, This is Cheryl Widlend from

FashionMentorOnline and today I’m interviewing Aaron Sansoni – Trainer – Business Coach and One of Australia Leading Sales Experts

• Aaron has a long trail of success stories in 4 continents and has been at the Sales and Coaching forefront for over a decade.

• Aaron has trained and coached thousands of business owners and sales professionals from across many industries, helping them break through and achieve phenomenal results.

• His training has generated tens of millions of dollars for the people and companies he has coached.

• Aaron is the Founder and CEO of two specialist SME (small and medium sized business) business coaching firms, as well as a sought-after Key Note Speaker. He has partnerships in several more companies. With qualifications in Business, Sales, Marketing and Management - Aaron has a robust, holistic approach to business solutions.

• Aaron's experience is as diverse as it is in-depth. From managing multimillion dollar companies, to working with sole traders, owning several companies, and educating audiences at small to large scale events, Aaron likes to keep busy!

• The past decade or so has seen Aaron work successfully with businesses all over the globe. With a sense of adventure, Aaron has travelled over 38 countries staying in all types accommodation from lavish hotels to backpacking - he loves to experience all he can.

• Aaron's passion is sharing his knowledge with small and medium business owners and managers, helping them grow their businesses in ways they never thought possible.

We have a very special offer at the end of the presentation that is usually not made available to the public – March 2012 only!

Visit to view a very special offer at the end of the presentation that is usually not made available to the public –

March 2012 only!

Thank you so much Aaron for taking time from your busy schedule to share this valuable information with our viewers today.

It is greatly appreciated!

FashionMentorOnlineFirst In Online Mentoring

Trainer, Business Coach and One of Australia’s Leading Sales Expert
