Probiotics are Pro-Health


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Probiotics are Pro-Health

Wendy Bottrell

Lifestyle Transformation From the Inside Out

What the Heck Are Probiotics?

• You’ve probably been prescribed antibiotics throughout your life to fight infections.

• And you’ve definitely seen antibacterial soaps and detergents.

• That must mean all bacteria are bad, right?

What the Heck Are Probiotics?

• The truth is that many bacteria are actually very good for the body.

• Antibiotics don’t just kill of bacteria that cause illness, they also get rid of the bacteria we need for good immunity and digestion.

• And as a result of killing off all the bacteria we can actually experience a different set of diseases.

Pro Bacteria

• It’s critical that you have plenty of healthy bacteria in your body.

• One of the best ways to introduce these healthy bacteria is through probiotic foods.

• These are also called cultured foods or fermented foods.

Fermented Food Connection

• Fermented foods are those that have been exposed to bacteria.

• The bacteria are allowed to eat the sugars from the foods and grow.

• In turn it helps to break down the nutrients in the food and make them easier to digest.

Where to Buy Probiotics

• While you can purchase probiotic supplements from just about any pharmacy or health food store, or online (we recommend and having been using InLiven Probiotic Superfood organic superfood since 2008

• Your body can use them much more readily when they come from sources of food.

Benefits of Probiotics

• Probiotics can reduce your risk of yeast infections, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, obesity, colds, flu, chronic fatigue syndrome, and even heart disease.

• It’s imperative that you find ways to add them to your diet – and it’s a lot easier than you might think.

Probiotic Food Sources

• Foods that contain probiotics include yogurt, pickles, sauerkraut, and kefir.

• These are products you’ve probably seen in your grocery store and even consumed on your own.

Probiotic Food Sources

• You can also find probiotics in foods that are a little more obscure such as kimchi, miso, and kombucha.

• These are foods that are enjoyed around the world, but are less commonly known in the west.

Probiotic Food Sources

• However, as the health benefits of probiotics become more evident these foods have been afforded a place of honor.

• If you take a trip to your local health foods store you’ll no doubt see many of them available on the shelves.

Grow Your Own

• In addition to purchasing them commercially, you can also make many of them at home.

• However, you’ll need starters to help get the cultures developing.

• Eating probiotic foods is a great step toward improving your wellness and reducing your risk of disease.


• So there you have it!• There are some bacteria that can cause damage

to you, many bacteria are necessary for you to enjoy good health.

Wendy Bottrell – Lifestyle Transformation From The Inside Out!

• Thanks for watching and please let us know how we can help you!
