Quotes and Photos of the Month in 2010




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The future

is something which

everyone reaches

at the rate of

60 minutes an hour,

whatever he does,

whoever he is.

C. S. Lewis



(tug of war in the snow)

(photo from December 2009)

We've all heard that

we have to learn from our mistakes,

but I think it's more important to learn from successes.

If you learn only from your mistakes, you are inclined to learn only errors.

Norman Vincent Peale


Winnie searching for treats in the snow

(photos from January 31st 2010)

Let us rise up

and be thankful,

for if we didn't learn

a lot today,

at least we learned

a little,

and if we didn't

learn a little,

at least we

didn't get sick,

and if we got sick,

at least we didn't die;

so, let us all be thankful.


MARCH 2010 Se video av Candy 13,5 år gammel:


Easter photo of Candy, 13,5 years old:

Life is 10% what happens to us

and 90% how we react to it.

Dennis P. Kimbro

APRIL 2010

Candy & Winnie

Photo 27th March 2010

The big secret in life

is that there is

no big secret.

Whatever your goal,

you can get there

if you're

willing to work.

Oprah Winfrey

MAY 2010

Candy & Winnie 27th April 2010 when receiving a package from Cleanrun

You can complain

because roses

have thorns,

or you can

be thankful

that thorns

have roses.

Alphonse Karr

JUNE 2010

Candy 14 years old 13th June 2010

(photo from 10th June 2010)

It is not how much we have,

but how much we enjoy,

that makes happiness. Charles Haddon Spurgeon

JULY 2010

Winnie (Photo:Aina Rønningen

Slow down and enjoy life.

It's not only the scenery you miss by going too fast.

You also miss the sense of where you are going and why.

Eddie Cantor (1892 - 1964)


Winnie and the swans (photo from July 2010)

The difference between

'can' and 'cannot’ are only three letters.

Three letters that determine your life’s direction.

Remez Sasson


More than 1100 meters above the ocean

From left: Candy (14), Cory (10,5) and Winnie (6):

(Photo from August 2010 )

It is more important to know where you are going

than to get there quickly.

Mabel Newcomber


Autumn in the forest: From left: Candy (14) and Winnie (6):

(Photo from end September 2010

Success is a journey,

not a destination.

The doing is often

more important

than the outcome.

You've got to get to

the stage in life

where going for it

is more important

than winning or losing.

Arthur Ashe


Autumn in the forest: From left: Cory (10) and Winnie (6)

(Photo from October 2010)

The leaders who work

most effectively

never say "I."

That's not because

they have trained

themselves not to

say "I".

They don't think "I".

They think "we";

they think "team."

They understand their job

to make the team function.

They accept responsibility

and don't sidestep it,

but "we" gets the credit.

This is what creates trust,

what enables you

to get the task done.

Peter F. Druck


Candy still going strong

Candy will be 14,5 years old in December 2010:

(Photo from November 2010
