Teach Kids to Enjoy Simple Things


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Teaching your children to appreciate the simple things:

The gateway to a better life.


“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

From Life Coach & Parenting Coach Sharon Ballantine



It can not easily be denied that life grows more

complex as we grow older.


Consider how many times you’ve heard someone declare how great things were when

they were young. This is usually followed by some

variation of the statement, “Life was simple back then…”


No doubt there are countless complexities that come hand in hand with growing up in these times, but

underneath the new and varied complexities, simplicity still remains.


Teaching your children to appreciate the value of simplicity will benefit them in many ways

throughout their lives. It is a skill that they deserve to learn, and one that many parents could stand to brush up on for their own personal benefit as well.


In todays “smartphone culture” it is easy for anyone to get sucked into the complexity of things. A

child is likely to spend 5 to 7 hours per day in front of a computer screen, tablet, or phone while

doing homework, texting friends, watching movies or playing games.


Teaching children to unplug and tap into the abundance of

simple pleasures that surround them daily can be incredibly



Studies have proven that people who appreciate

simple pleasures generally live happier lives.


A simple smile from a friend or the sweet smell of a spring lilac

can give a person great

bursts of happiness.


Perhaps these things don’t represent gateways to instant

happiness for you, but consider similar things that might work

for you.


You might consider it a good practice to write down ten simple things that give you

pleasure, and then encourage your family to do the same.


When you are finished, share your lists. You might find that you may want to borrow things from the lists of others and that they might want to borrow from



If your children have difficulty recognizing simple things that give them pleasure, you can suggest a pleasure hunt. Challenge each of

your family members to recognize and write down five things

throughout their day that made them smile.


You might consider setting some simple rules that exclude using

“electronic events” such as reaching a new high score on a video game or

watching a TV show.


Also, consider setting a monetary restriction.

Emphasize the value of being open to the simple

pleasures that are all around rather than the ones

that can be purchased.


Over time, you can encourage your children to keep an ongoing list of the simple things that give them pleasure. You can do the same.


Simply reading through your own list of things that give you pleasure can fill

your heart with gratitude and joy.


When a person possesses the ability to find the beauty, joy and

perfection in the simple things they are certain to find greater

contentment and satisfaction in their life. There is no greater gift you can give to yourself and your




“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

From Life Coach & Parenting Coach Sharon Ballantine


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